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Procedure Followed in A PPARENTLY, in the case Claiming for Stolen of a person losing petrol Coupons coupons by theft and...
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Of a newspaper leader "Brakes on Housing." Of a comment on this. Where is the friction?" That road transport is hurrying coal...
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the Road Haulage Wages Board, under the chairmanship of Sir Francis Floud, with Mr. V. R. Aronson and Dr. F. A. Wells as...
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" I DO not think 1939 has any relation I to the circumstances in which we are operating to-day," said Mr. W. E. Macve,...
Miles Thomas spent some time at the Saurer Works, Arbon. We understand that this was in connection with the probability of the...
itAR. J. F. SUPPLIES has retired from ZVI his office of president of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Otvners' Association...
A NEW type of loader, designed for attachment to a standard Fordson tractor, was recently described in " Agricultural...
THE two factories and service 1 department at Lymington, the foundry at Ringwood, and the Salisbury factory of Wellworthy...
British Legion has moved from its headquarters at Westminster to Christchurch Hall, Harleyford Street, Kennington Oval, London,...
A S a result of a protest by the Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Association, the Minister of Transport has overruled...
T HE Scottish 'group of the National Association of Port Employers has issued a memorandum on the Transport Bill, in which it...
adoption of the five-day week of 44 hours, with a consequent increase in the costs of labour and overheads, Jowett Cars, Ltd.,...
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THIS evening, at 7.30 p.m., Mr. M. 1 Clark Hall, public relations officer of the British Road Federation, will take part in a...
T HE chairman of Barclays Bank, Mr. Edwin Fisher, in a statement issued with the report for the past year, refers to...
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SIR EDWIN Nom, PLOWDEN has been appointed director of the British Aluminium Co., Ltd. MR. A. S. TANNER has been appointed...
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O N January 22 and 23, the Appeal Tribunal will hear appeals under the Road and Rail Traffic Act. 1933, at Halifax House,...
A N unusual product to have come from the Vauxhall factory at Luton is the Vauxhall hoot. This was designed to replace the...
A NEW body , has been formed to organize the opposition of all railway stockholders to the Transport Bill. It is known as the...
A FTER referring to valuable time lost in a search for materials, Sir Allan Gordon-Smith, K.B.E„ D.L., chairman and managing...
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D EFERENCES to " the small man" INand " big business" formed part of the wordy warfare at a lively debate on nationalization,...
Haulage Association, headed by Mr. John Robertson, met three Scottish Members of Parliament at Inverness on January 9. The...
VISITORS to Henlys, Ltd., Great V West Road, Brentford, have the opportunity of inspecting a complete range of Brush...
inanti-nationalization petition were obtained at a protest meeting held in Barnstaple recently, Many petition forms were...
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UERIES MORE ABOUT COMPENSATION FOR VEHICLES J N connection with the reply by your legal adviser to my letter published last...
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M UCH information about the new " aircraft-insulated" A-C Sphinx sparking plug was imparted by Mr. D. Bennion Browne, M.I.A.E.,...
1 AST week we referred to a paper, 1-4" Some Problems of Cylinder-bore Wear." read before the I.A.E. by Mr. W. A. Robotham, of...
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by "Pram" Pedestrian controlled BatteryElectrics Replace Manual Carriers at Low Cost and Raise the Standard of Efficiency and...
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S OM E interesting observations are forthcoming from the New Swindon Industrial Co-operative Society, Ltd. Says Mr. A. F....
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S EVERAL original and practical features are incorporated in the • Brooke Hydro-Pneumatic jack manufactured by Messrs....
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M ANY industrialists are familiar with chromium plating as an ornamental process, without appreciating to the full the extent...
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Practical Examples of the Construction of Shelves and Removable Interior Units, Designed to Facilitate Loading and In crease...
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the problems and operations of C6ras lompair Eireann. His report is divided into two parts. This week's instalment deals mainly...
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make a first-class tyre, rubber mixes of different hardnesses must be used for tread, side walls, cushion, bead and casing....
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By T. Lawson Noble A FIER completing two months' ft market-survey work in Canada, I recently returned to this country, and...
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A SERIES of conferences with interested parties on the question of staggering working hours is being held by the Ministry of...
A PLAN to develop Strathpeffer as a tourist centre has received a setback by the refusal of the Scottish Area Licensing...
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D ISAPPOINTMENT was expressed about the Ministry of Transport's refusal to permit longer buses, similar to the American type,...
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By Geo. B. Lissenden, M.Inst.T. T HE question has _arisen as to whether the executive and consultative committees; proposed to...
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the Docks and Inland Waterways Executive, the Road Transport Executive, and the London Transport Executive . . . Each such...
A N unusual system for the bulk transport of...milk by . road and rail has been employed in,France for a number of years by the...
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New Information Causes S.T.R. to Alter the Man for a Maintenance Shop and Calculations of Man hours Required to Service a...
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AViages. Their appeal has been exploited by the railway and shipping companies in publicity displays, but little has been done...
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Sons, Ltd., and W. Briggs, both of Ryland Road, Birmingham, 15, comes, in patent No. 581,117, a new design for a steeringbox...