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1939 Has No Relation To Present
" I DO not think 1939 has any relation I to the circumstances in which we are operating to-day," said Mr. W. E. Macve, North-Western Licensing Authority, at Manchester, last......
Morris-commercial Oilengined Heavy D Uring A Recent Visit...
Miles Thomas spent some time at the Saurer Works, Arbon. We understand that this was in connection with the probability of the commercialvehicle branch of the Nuffield......
Liverpool Official Retires
itAR. J. F. SUPPLIES has retired from ZVI his office of president of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Otvners' Association (Liverpool No 1 Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association),......
New Loading Attachment For Farm Work
A NEW type of loader, designed for attachment to a standard Fordson tractor, was recently described in " Agricultural Engineering Record," the organ of the National Institute of......
Five-day Week For Wellworthy
THE two factories and service 1 department at Lymington, the foundry at Ringwood, and the Salisbury factory of Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., will in future close on Saturdays.......
British Legion Taxi School Moves "the Taxi-drivers'...
British Legion has moved from its headquarters at Westminster to Christchurch Hall, Harleyford Street, Kennington Oval, London, S..11. The premises will be used for this purpose......
Minister Overrules 20 Wit. Proposals
A S a result of a protest by the Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Association, the Minister of Transport has overruled the proposal of Gateshead County Borough Council......
"scotland Should Be Autonomous"
T HE Scottish 'group of the National Association of Port Employers has issued a memorandum on the Transport Bill, in which it states that it is opposed to the fundamental......
Bradford Prices Raised Decause Of The Steel Shortage And The
adoption of the five-day week of 44 hours, with a consequent increase in the costs of labour and overheads, Jowett Cars, Ltd., has had to raise the prices of Bradford vehicles.......