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First Post-war Haulage Appeals
O N January 22 and 23, the Appeal Tribunal will hear appeals under the Road and Rail Traffic Act. 1933, at Halifax House, Strand, London, W.C.2. at 10.30 a.m. They will be the......
Disabled Persons Trained For Industry
A N unusual product to have come from the Vauxhall factory at Luton is the Vauxhall hoot. This was designed to replace the standard type of walking plaster, and was evolved by......
Stockholders Organize
A NEW body , has been formed to organize the opposition of all railway stockholders to the Transport Bill. It is known as the Railway Stockholders Joint Committee, and has been......
Prices Down: Wages Up
A FTER referring to valuable time lost in a search for materials, Sir Allan Gordon-Smith, K.B.E„ D.L., chairman and managing director of S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd., said......