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A YEAR of decision-1964 must inevitably be that if only on the political front. Whatever the date of the General Election,...
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A 4 per cent increase in Grade I haulage wages, with differentials maintained for other areas, was recommended by the Road...
S PEAKING at the January meeting of the Norwich Traffic Club, Mr. John Crane, executive director of Crane Fruehauf Trailers...
A FORWARD-CONTROL tractive unit r't designed for operation at a gross train weight of 17 tons is announced today by Ford of...
Lorry Driver of the Year competition have just been issued and show that there should be no fewer than 21 regional eliminating...
was introduced last week by Irish Sea Ferries Ltd., an independent company formed by Ulster businessmen. It is operating...
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"IF. one dissects what the Labour Party I appear to have in mind for hauliers it amounts to this: any haulier who dares to make...
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'THE extent of far-reaching develop 1. in coal transport was outlined by Mr. H. A. Nettleship, deputy Transport Manager,...
not be allowed to use the fast lane on three-lane motorways is made in the latest issue of the British Medical Journal by Prof....
A T the first luncheon meeting held by the Central London area Traders Road Transport Association on Monday, the guest speaker,...
R ETAIL price maintenance is to go. I la Mr. Edward Heath (Minister for Trade and Industry) told the Commons' on Wednesday that...
A CALL for higher excise licence fees on heavy lorries was turned down in the Commons this week. Mr. Alan Green, Financial...
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of Polycell Products Ltd., at the company's Welwyn Garden City factory and headquarters. In 1947, Mr. Mercier joined Robert...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE claims by 170,000 provincial busmen for higher pay, shorter hours and longer holidays...
L ATEST addition to the range of passenger vehicle bodies built by W. L. Thurgood (Coachbuilders) Ltd., of Ware, Herts, is a...
A REPEAT order for Routemaster 1 " - i buses has been placed with Park Royal Vehicles Ltd. by the Northern General Transport...
Road Passenger Transport Association at Turnberry, Ayrshire, Mr. H. Perring, chief mechanical engineer of the Ministry of...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT MEW union demands for a pay rise of N just under £2 a week for London bus drivers in...
rtime Ban Looms nANGER that the overtime ban by I- 1 London busmen, which disrupted services and took 1,000 buses off the...
A T an inquiry held in Cardiff the Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd. were said to have exposed trainee conductors to the hazards...
I F the average car occupancy in the London evening rush hour could be increased from the present 1-5 persons to 4 persons, no...
axe falls as planned on Blackpool Central Station on September 7. Blackpool Corporation.may build a new bus and coach sta0on On...
acceptance of the tender of A.E.C. Lid. for two double-decker bus chassis at a 'cost of £2,698 each, and that of Massey...
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THE Queen has appointed Mr. Charles 1 P. Hopkins, M.Inst.T., and Mr. Grahame T. Metier, C.B.E., F.C.A., as members of the...
T HE objectors to a 12-vehicle A-licence application were accused of "laying a smoke screen of delaying tactics to prevent the...
A N application for a licence to run an express service between North London Coach Station and Dover as part of an inclusive...
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A sound, reliable and friendly financial service is a primary requirement for traders in cars and commercial vehicles. And...
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An Invitation to Mr. Hall A s I indicated a fortnight ago, the question of rates is becoming more and more important in...
A DVICE given in the consulting column of a weekly transport newspaper recently on the value of an A licence has caused concern...
THE largest applications published in this week's As and Ds are both in the Metropolitan area. In the first of these E....
APPLICATIONS (January 10, 1964) Smallshaw Transport Co., Ashton-under-Lyne, A var.. add 1 veh. (340. Marine engine parts,...
APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1964) A. T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd., Middlesbrough, new A tic,. 2 arts. (1610, overall length...
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APPLICATIONS (January 9, 1964) • •• R. Simpson and. Son. Tanwforth, new A lie., 2 art. (1310, and I additional trl. (210....
APPLICATIONS (January 7, 1964) H. E. Love Ltd., Bideford, Devon, A var., add 2 Veh. GA., S.W. Counties and Midlands. R. A....
APPLICATIONS (January 9, 1964) E. Goldsmid (1938) Ltd.. London, E.1, A var., add 14 yell. (621). 0.g., mainly fruit and...
APPLICATIONS (January 8, 1964) I. Thomas, Swansea, A var., add 1 art (811). Mainly bricks, steel and tinplate, S. Wales,...
A S reported in The Commercial Motor, December 27 last, an appeal by M.A.T. Transport Ltd., London, against a decision of the...
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I N myreport of the Italian Motor Show, published in our issue of November 8, 1963, I devoted considerable space to the growing...
T WO new medium-duty goods models have been introduced recently by the French Saviem concern, and the larger of these has a...
rXPANSION of manufacturing or service facilities is reported by several companies this week, among them Henry Boys and Son...
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LARGE LEYLAND CONTRACTS FROM AUSTRALIA: Considerable contracts from Australia have been received by the Leyland group in the...
agents have been appointed by Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S. Co. Ltd., of Dagenite Works, Dagenham Dock,. Essex. They are:...
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New Leyland African Company : As a result of constitutional changes in the Rhodesias. a new company, Leyland Motors (Northern...
Check Up on Chassis Alignment DURING THE LIFE of many vehicles there will have been occasions—both known and unknown—when they...
THIS week's prize winner is Mr. R. McKenzie, of Inverness, who wins 3 gns. for the following two ideas:— 1. Corrosion on...
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and Publications Improved Recess Screws V ERTICAL driving faces in an improved recess form for Phillips screws eliminate the...
suitable for workshops, garages and so on has been introduced by Heat-Plant Ltd. Called the Domino range there are 2.5 models...
on vehicle ride held at the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cornfield, in July, 1962, have now been published in a...
Unit' which is now marketed in the U.K. by 'Bernal Electrical Ltd., is controlled by an accurate and reliable eleCtro-air...
a grease pump and cover deSigned to fit standard 28-lb. grease'tins, a Reilang pressure oil gun and a two-wheel trolley make up...
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YORK AIR-LOAD TRANSFER By A. J. P. Wilding A.M.I. MECH E. F OR off-the-road work few operators would specify a sixor...
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By The Hawk Market Research! Eleven p.m. in Darkest Hert fordshire on Tuesday of last week; 55 ft. of very solid Scammell...
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mind' A 'ITEM PTS to assess the problem of road accidents are not furthered by the discovery that organizations or individuals...
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It is not only major policy decisions which occupy the manager and engineer of a large passenger transport undertaking. An...
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I F a vehicle operated by A. H. Adams and Sons Ltd., Great Bridge, Tipton, Staffs, is overloaded by a customer, it is not...
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AST week it was explained that whilst operating costs could be said to be incurred in the running of -individual vehicles, in...
legal position when goods are carried on a passenger vehicle. He operates a 13-seater passenger vehicle and asks for...
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Leyland's Soaring Profits and T.D.G.'s Expansion Rate New Year has started well for shareholders of 'THE MOTORS. For the...
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Handbrakes are Poor WAVING read both parts of the "Any Complaints?" " feature published in your journal during December, I...
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Speedover Transport Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Objects: To design, construct and carry out public and private works related to the field...