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A Rates Formula Is Needed
An Invitation to Mr. Hall A s I indicated a fortnight ago, the question of rates is becoming more and more important in licensing applications. I was dealing then with a case......
Buying A Licence-you Mustn't
A DVICE given in the consulting column of a weekly transport newspaper recently on the value of an A licence has caused concern among several licensing advocate colleagues of......
Big Applications In Met. Area
THE largest applications published in this week's As and Ds are both in the Metropolitan area. In the first of these E. Goldsmid (1938) Ltd. asks for an A licence to be varied,......
North Western
APPLICATIONS (January 10, 1964) Smallshaw Transport Co., Ashton-under-Lyne, A var.. add 1 veh. (340. Marine engine parts, agric. tractor parts, timber, paint, steel bars, steel......
APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1964) A. T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd., Middlesbrough, new A tic,. 2 arts. (1610, overall length exceeding 35 ft. Steel and allied products exceeding 35......