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Union Wants £2 More For London Men
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT MEW union demands for a pay rise of N just under £2 a week for London bus drivers in addition to the 15s. received under the interim pay......
... And New Ove
rtime Ban Looms nANGER that the overtime ban by I- 1 London busmen, which disrupted services and took 1,000 buses off the roads at the end of last year, would be re-imposed......
No Cover For Trainees
A T an inquiry held in Cardiff the Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd. were said to have exposed trainee conductors to the hazards of industrial accidents, by refusing to Pay the......
Cars Versus Buses
I F the average car occupancy in the London evening rush hour could be increased from the present 1-5 persons to 4 persons, no buses would be required, and the total passenger......
Blackpool Plans For New_ Bus Station : Lf Dr. Beeching's
axe falls as planned on Blackpool Central Station on September 7. Blackpool Corporation.may build a new bus and coach sta0on On the land which runs between' Central Station and......
Buses For Ipswich 1 Ipswich Corporation Transport...
acceptance of the tender of A.E.C. Lid. for two double-decker bus chassis at a 'cost of £2,698 each, and that of Massey Brothers (Pemberton) Ltd., for two double - decker bodics......