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M OUNTING expenses and Competition frOm road transport, especially from the .C-licensee, are blamed by Mr. Alfred Barnes, the...
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One Cause of Defects INACCURACIES in grinding in Some Ground A surfaces in which a fine finish Finishes . is, important have...
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Of a "drop-sided brewer's body." The query : "Is this caused by 'drops' on side?" That when there are no One Hears," no one...
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Permit Fight Leicester Operators Demonstrate: Lord Hurcomb Replies to Critics MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT are rallying in support...
P ROPOSING an appeal to the Government to exempt municipal transport undertakings from nationalization, the...
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A N Albion single-decker chassis with an eight-eylindered power unit under the floor is on the drawing board, and it is hoped...
O NE horse-power Dennis Paxit, complete with all-steel fabricated shafts, full forward-control driver's seat and powerful...
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THE Transport Act must be fought democratically with constitutional methods. This advice was given by Mr. Stanley Moss,...
T HE obstacle in the way of the achievement of an integrated and efficient transport service was the presence on the roads of...
MR. R. CitatmEas, art.E., has been elected first president of the Engineers' Guild. MAJOR W. T. CHARLES, T.D., F.I.M.I.,...
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Above Pre-war Level F ROM December 16, all fares on express services radiating from London will be increased by 7 1/7th per...
A CONFLICT in the interpretation 1 - 3, of the law as between the police and the Ministry of Transport was revealed during a...
A REPLY to those who "exaggerate he place of sectional interests in transport" was given last week by the chairman of the...
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TNEFENDING three partners in a Pertrith haula g e firm who had been summoned on four counts for exceedin g the 50-rnale radius...
MEGOTIATIONS for increased pay 'for about 50,000 men employed in the vehicle-buildin g industry have been adjourned, after a...
A DVICE on how to increase tyre milea g e was g iven by Mr. J. H. Holt, of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., when he...
Birmingham Transport Committee is in the market for 225 double-deckers. St. Marylehone Borough Council is to purchase four...
All new Nuffield vehicles will be fitted with television suppressors. "Steel Tubes for Automobile Purposes" is rims British...
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B ELlEVED to be the largest movement of its kind ever undertaken. the world's 'biggest window, a sheet of ;I-in, polished...
S OLE representative of British design at the Vehicle Rally held during the Paris Show, a Foden rear-engined coach with...
A TOUR of Canada and America extending to 10,000 miles is to be made by a new Leyland Royal Tiger coach with Beccols bodywork,...
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A FURNITURE remover who, for Pi some years after the war, ran under a defence permit granted by the Metropolitan Licensing...
F 1VE Oban taxi-drivers who had been U charged by the Railway Executive under the railway by-laws with leaving their vehicles...
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T HE big squeeze is on. The hungry lion, becoming thinner and hungrier, is on the rampage. He is short of sustenance, to the...
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O NE lesson that operators should have learnt from the recent holocaust of original permits is never to seek or expect...
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0••■•••• ISTORY was made in Mow Cop, a strange, granite hamlet, perched over 1,000 ft. above sea Level on a wild promontory...
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and ■ ...) describing every stage in the construction of a light-alloy bus body, the July "Development Bulletin" of Aluminium...
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S INCE the war there has been an increasing demand for British-built earth-moving equipment, and the efforts which...
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F OLLOWING his inquiry into the causes of four accidents in Glasgow in which double-deck buses were involved, Mr. W. F. Quin,...
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Mr. Robert F. Fryars, Mr. Jackson Millar, Lt.-Cdr. J. W. Thornycroft, Mr: E. R. Foden, Mr. C. Basil Nixon, Mr. Sydney S. Guy,...
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F OR over two years the Omnibus Passengers Protection Association has been pointing out the folly of interfering with the...
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cessation of business or severance may be claimed even if no vehicle be offered to the Road Haulage Executive for acquisition....
cattle trucks used exclusively for the transport of attested herds is foreseen by the Appeal Tribunal. "The number of vehicles...
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I N the previous article I demonstrated that a considerable proportion of the total cost of maintenance is made up of items...
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fire appliances still in service With many fire brigades throughout the country is now taking place. Among new types of...
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DATENT No. 640,542 comes from I Servo-Frein .Dewandre S.A., Liege, Belgium, and deals with the control of power-assisted brakes...