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TRANSPORT has been put back into the Cabinet Room at No 10 Downing Street by the Prime Minister's surprise Government changes...
TANKER DRIVERS at Ellesmere Port are calling for a national referendum on the future of the tachograph. This move follows a...
on roads that have been wet for the first time in months (CM August 6) may have come true this week. Police and scientists are...
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locket PURCHASERS of our Special Offer Jopper jacket (CM last week) should write to: Commercial Motor Offer,: Hindleys, Wharf...
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This controversial question has been asked by the Fabian Society in their response to the Government's transport policy Green...
IT'S COMMERCIAL Motor Show tome once again and more than 90,000 visitors are expected to pour through Earls Court to see the...
RELEASE may be in sight for jailed British driver David Barnes in prison in Saudi Arabia following the deaths of six Arabs in a...
CAR TRANSPORTER drivers on strike in Coventry could bring Leyland and Chrysler car plants in the area to a halt in a dispute...
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PASSENGER transport operators who enter the profession later than January 1 1977 will have to sit an examination to prove their...
Bus and Metal Sections Ltd to give operators delivery early next year. Operators can buy the body either in kit form and...
Transport is back in the Cabinet Room at No. 10, having served its period of second-class citizenship with Fred Mulley and John...
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But these contestants weren't long-legged lovelies. They were the eight lorry drivers who had battled against the top truckers...
IT STARTED out at 7.00 on Sunday morning as a cold, gloomy and overcast day — and that's the way it finished in failing light...
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FROM THE 3,000-plus hopefuls that took a crack at winning the title of Britain's top truck driver only 309 made it to the...
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By mid-day the first of the ass results began to go up on e notice board inside the am hangar. As more of the ght classes were...
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RIGID VEHICLES Class A (Leyland Cars Trophy), up to 24ft and 2 tons unladen: 1, A. R. Rooker (Western BRS, Bridgend), Ford, 33...
George Allott, class C winner, said: "This is my eighth contest and I have really enjoyed it." And then the winner was....
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GEOFFREY PYGALL has been appointed managing director of National Freight Corporation subsidiary Pickfords Removals and...
AFTER TWO very difficult and unprofitable years DAF Trucks is now on the road to recovery. This was the message of Mr Peter...
FAR-REACHING proposals for legislation are urged by the Health and Safety Commission, providing for the appointment of safety...
GOVERNMENT and Parliament must keep their heads whatever the pressure from interested parties when they work out a transport...
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JACK ATHA, trading as Atha's Transport, was warned at Leeds last week that renewal of his 0-licence would not be granted until...
DRIVERS using the Harwicl to the Hook of Holland ferrie: have formed a club to providl additional facilities for till drivers...
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figures show an upturn — that was the message given to Hull MP Mr James Johnson by National Freight Corporation chairman Sr Dan...
A ROAD MANUAL with information about 15 countries on the northern route to the Middle East has been issued by the Swiss TIR...
THE Road Transport Industry Training Board's operational services group — that part of the Board which arranges courses and...
THE Government is urging hauliers to keep going by whatever means possible so that they can take over the haulage business when...
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THE whole picture on lorry parking proposals in the North East of Scotland is being looked at by local government. In the...
CHUBB FIRE has won a £3m order for fire-fighting equip-. ment from the Saudi Arabian Directorate of Civil Aviation including...
BUILDING giant Marley has formed a vehicle leasing division of its Marley Transport ;Company which has now been running for 25...
CONCERN about the future of group training associations has been expressed by Mr R. E. Dobson, chairman of the North Cheshire...
ALTHCiUGH in appeal against drivers' hours and records convictions under the EEC Regulations, by a Yorkshire lorry driver,...
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LEIGHTON BUZZARD is the latest town to try an experiment in town travel using two 23-seat midibuses to give a flexible service...
York Transportation Authority are too tall for the routes that they were to operate have been garbled, says a Leyland...
THE Greater London Council is to introduce new bus lanes in Romford and in Buckingham Palace Road, London. The new lanes will...
Travel survey MERSEYSIDE Transport are to carry out a survey of families in the Rainford, Rainford Junction and Crank areas to...
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THE North Western Traffic Commissioners granted applications at Chester last Friday for two small North Wales operators to...
BUS FARES on the Isle of Wight are to be cut during the period of the winter timetable by amounts ranging from lp to 7p as part...
He will head marketing for Freightliners Limited which has an annual sales turnover of £40m and is the world's leading...
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for use by breweries tsing a single curtain that will tlso cover the under-body gas :ylinder port holes. The new body has...
ADDING to the rapidly expanding MAN range in Britain is the new turbocharged 16.280ft truck, with a design gross weight of 44...
tEVERTEX Chemicals Ltd tas now set up a separate :ornpany to co-ordinate and txploit its expertise in conrolling noise. The...
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—RE announce this week a newcomer new vehicle for operation at weights up to 57,000kg gcw. The 57C3 is designed for worldwide...
SIDEWINDER is to be launched by York Trailers at the Commercial show this year and they claim that it offers a better turnround...
CRAVENS Homalloy is t show its new five-section pa let semi-trailer for refrigera tion use at the Comm erch Motor Show. The...
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For a buyer in today's world the pressure's tough. Industry and commerce breed special problems, too much tension, too much...
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Whenever you take one of your vehicles off the road, it stops earning you money. Now, at last, there is one way in which you...
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by Graham Mon tgomerie Photographs by Steve Back A NEW DAF 32 tonner will soon be rolling off the production lines at...
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Economy drives by fuel companies are not new. At the CMLDoY final last week at Bra mcote there was one sponsored by DAF Trucks...
Next Thursday is party night at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London. On the eve of the Commercial Motor Show — or the day we call...
It is not often that a top haulier is offered a job as a part-time film extra, with six weeks all paid in Spain, as well. Such...
It's happened! The CM Old Boys Club is holding its inaugural meeting at The Rugby Club, 49 Hallam Street, London, on September...
The first two motorbus proposals in the Tunbridge Wells appear to have come to nought. But a fast rickshaw service did start —...
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A daY the DRIVE A EL I V Rea Wig by Paul Mungo FRED KIRBY is a large, cheerful man of 45 who likes to make an early start in...
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GM shows you the way there THIS COULD be the last Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court. The 1978 venue. is set for the...
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Aberdeen-Kings Cross Running time 8hr 56mir 17-day return : E39.00 1st class : £26.50 2nd class Weekend return : £35.00. 1st...
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v the Technical staff EW MODELS at the Show one from Italy, France, ermany, Holland — and ritain. Leyland's new Ballo with the...
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Two coaches top the p.s.v. stands nNo psv manufacturers will competing with models they hope will be showstoppers at Earls...
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and trailer men go frameless NEIGHTVVATCHING is the )ig factor with the bodymiilders at the Show. Almost ,very permutation has...
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Showtime bazaar THE most impressive feature of the Accessory and Component Section at this year's Commercial Motor Show is the...
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4FTER LOOKING at those bright and shiny new trucks in the Commercial Vehicle Section of he Show, its only a short step to the...
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, reasonable for them to have some small say in the .natter, said Sylvia Gray, a member of the National Consumer Council,...
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were of such a nature that it would not be appropriate for them to be included, in the existing licensing procedure, said Mr D....
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WHEN Ken Darvall decided let "a policeman's lot is not happy one" so far as a larried man is concerned, he 'solved to develop...
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in transit insurance cover to include CMR conditions. As I do not operate to the Continent, can you say why this is necessary?...
A To factor one's debts means that you hand over your debts to one of the organisations specialising in this service. The...
used solely or partly for the activities of Scout Groups or Church Groups, etc? Although there is probably no fare paid, the...
equipment in CM July 30, you quote Regulation 37 of the Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness, Equipment and Use)...
I must dispense with the services of one of my drivers. Can you say how long he must have been in my employ to qualify for thf...
previously unblemished recori is now likely or in your opinio, certain to be black markei because a driver was picked fr o with...
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BY THE TIME the doors open at Earls Court next Friday CM's readers should already have had a chance to study our...
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By Les Oldridge, T.Eng.(CEI), M.I.M.I., A.M.I.R.T.E. SECTION 99 (5) of the Transport Act, 1968, deals with drivers' records of...