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of a new range of water-cooled medium commercials. Three basic models— a panel van, a drop-side truck and a chassis-cab—are...
for 'yes' vote IN A surprise move last week the national council of the Road Haulage Association decided to launch a vigorous...
floats transport freedom plan An end to tariffs, quotas and restrictive licences? by CM reporter "COMPETITION and the user's...
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CARDIFF City Council has been asked by its trading services committee to lodge a formal complaint with the Secretary of State...
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the Middle East by lait' Shertiff Yugoslays to stop tax-free-permits option. BRS organising 'truck-lift' to get its hired...
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FRED MULLEY, Minister for Transport, has been asked to investigate what advice or assistance his Ministry can give to bona fide...
DUNLOP is considering whether to offer a commercial vehicle version of the Denovo safety tyre which is already available for...
CONSULTATION processes have been launched by the Employment Secretary, Mr Foot, to wind up the Road Haulage Wages Council. This...
OUR DEPUTY EDITOR has returned from his Middle Eastern trip with an alarming story of inefficiency, inadequacy and illegality....
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TWO CABS for new generation Mercedes trucks, which are not due to be announced in Britain until next month, are among the parts...
THE Regional Tipping Service of the Road Haulage Association hopes to have a provisional return-loads guide for members by the...
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ROAD USERS provided over £2500 million to the Exchequer and commercial vehicles carried over 80 per cent of the available...
BECAUSE it lacked a modern road system London could become totally unattractive as a commercial and industrial centre by the...
G. F. Mee, 45, for the past four years head of personnel at the London hq of BRS, becomes head of personnel (designate) for BRS...
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MORE detailed proposals on the nationalisation of ports have been announced by Mr Fred MuIley, Minister for Transport, in a...
INSURANCE for the provision of legal expenses is now provided by DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Co Ltd, a cornpany jointly owned...
PRODUCTION of the Chrysler Commer Commando truck range has been reduced because of a shortage of diesel engines from Perkins...
THE HEAVY LORRY is now being more widely accepted as an essential part of British life, Mr Ken Hatcher, chairman of Road...
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LAST YEAR it was the fuel crisis, this year it was the weather which threw everything it had at contestants entered in the 15th...
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by CM reporter BEDFORD has reached an advanced stage with plans to build an under-the-staircaseengined double-deck bus....
SHORT DURATION mini-tours to the Continent at off-peak holiday periods were noW becoming very popular as people obtained more...
HANWORTH ACORN has ceased trading owing to cash difficulties, and some other London firms are consolidating for the coming...
THE OUTCOME of the referendum on Britain's membership of the Common Market may well affect the dates of the deadlines for the...
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BONNETED SIX-WHEEL on/ off site tippers are becoming popular with the specialist UK operators requiring a heavyduty site...
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A NEW tipper trailer with greatly improved stability, when tipped, has been introduced by Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd....
TWO four-wheel Leyland Boxer chassis have been converted, by Primrose Third Axle Co Ltd, to low-loading height six-wheelers to...
The planning of rcads on Humberside " by D. Gill (County Planning Officer). Bridge Hotel, Scunthorpe. 7.30 pm. CIT (South...
A NEW concept in container handling referred to as the Lifting Unit Frame (LUF) system is being developed by Tor Line, a North...
in CM April 11, has a front bogie plated to 13 tonnes (12.8 tons) and rear bogie to 18.8 tonnes (18.5 tons) and not as stated...
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by CM reporter MAKE identity will be retained in the new company, called Iveco, which has been formed as a result of the merger...
THREE new tyres, two of them for on/off road operation, have been introduced by Michelin. The XZY has been developed to provide...
A NEW Midland distributor has been appointed for products manufactured by Plymouth-based companies in the Tecalemit Group. J....
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An interview with Kerril Spencer by CM reporter A BRIGHT SPOT in the generally gloomy tipper world just now is the encouraging...
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A first report of the sixth annual symposium 'Operating public transport' by Martin Watkins HOW can bus services that people...
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Leyland Bison at 24 tons gvw by Graham Montgomerie photographs by Dick Ross INTRODUCED for the first time at Earls Court in...
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by Alan Wilson National secretary THE PROMISE of more "safety through skill" has been pulling in entries for the 1975 season...
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There is no money to assess waste collection and disposal tonnages as the Control of Pollution Act requires. In the meantime,...
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ROAD HAULAGE and the ports were linked as candidates for nationalisation in the Labour Party manifesto before the last general...
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Your report in the issue of March 28 relating to "Our Ideal Vehicles " put forward by the Brewery Transport Advisory Committee...
I was most interested to read about the requirements for a 32-ton-gcw tractive unit, as suggested by the Brewery Transport...
Re John Darker's article (CM April 4)—" Do hauliers need a specialised nationwide recovery service ?" ln the early 60s Unity...
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fixed Hauliers might have to accept that some charges are inevitable. Some can be influenced by the haulier's own choice,...
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How to get a clean licence by Les Old ridge, TEng(CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE WHEN a driver is prosecuted for any traffic offence which...
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Work for tipping vehicles can be found in the most unlikely places, and in today's economic climate tipper services need...
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I'm very pleased—and surprised —that the RHA has come out so firmly in favour of Britain staying in the Common Market. The...
The British are good at surviving. To be honest, I sometimes think that we've become expert with a disproportinate amount of...
I see the juggernautical Sunday knockers are at it again. Reporting the Kent C.C. consumer protection officer's doughty battle...
I don't know whether the juggernaut habit has hit the Antipodes yet, but let's hope not. There's probably a much more colourful...
Did you read the cautionary tale last week of the men who made a fortune out of BR and BRS consigned parcels by getting...
My colleague who went to the RHA East Midland region lunch last week enjoyed the usual pleasant meal and convivial company. But...
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by John Darker A FORUM for the frank discussion of the pros and cons of tachographs was provided by a recent seminar arranged...
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tractive unit do I need an hgv driving licence to drive it to rallies? No, you would not need a heavy goods vehicle driving...
and are obtaining a 2I-seater coach. This coach will be used for sightseeing outings, and guests of the home will be charged Xp...
I6-tonners in my fleet. Could you supply details of manufacturers and give some idea on prices and whether such equipment is in...
unladen weight and wish to use this for drawing a concrete mixer or a compressor. This equipment is for use in road building....
relations have given firmer job tenure to employees, but I understood that this was limited to people who have been working for...
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Three 16-ton gross tippers FOUR-WHEEL tippers have been the willing slaves of the building and construction industry for many...
THE COMMER Commando G1611 tested had the most powerful engine of the three vehicles. On the made-up road section the Commer...
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A useful and simple safety feature of the Ford was the fitting of a reversing warning bleeper set off by pushing a large rubber...
The Clydesdale was the only vehicle to have a constant-mesh gearbox. This was as easy to use as the synchromesh units fitted to...
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Engine oil can be checked and replenished, on late Commandos, through a flap behind the gear lever, while the clutch fluid...
Radiator and oi levels can be checked throu h a small hatch in the cab behind the driver's seat and replenished if required...
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The oil level on the Clydesdale can be checked through a panel in the cab and the water level in the radiator 'header tank...
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Mud on public roads is a danger to be avoided and the authorities will intervene if mud deposits persist. Simple...
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A pto-pump combination, the Chelsea 28TNA6, has been announced by Earby Engineering. The unit has been designed to fit on the...
A lightweight blast pistol no larger than a paint spraygun makes short work of rust, paint, carbon, underseal, dirt or any...
From Garage and Welding Equipment comas the Dirt Driver range of portable cold water high-pressure cleaners The smallest model...
An industrial polishing machine has been added to the Marron Machines range of power tools. The TNS polisher weighs 1.8kg (3.9...
Made from 25mm (lin) wide nylon webbing with over-centre lever tensioner buckle and hooks, the new pallet strap from TCC is...
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Liquid methane as an intake air refrigerant might bring big power gains AS A RESULT of the fuel crisis, the status of the...