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Durability, braking and cold starting tests round the Arctic Circle. New FJs beat sub-zero challenge. Our new FJs are going...
The two test FJs left Helsinki on 24th January and arrived at Rovaniemi, the centre of the logging area on the Arctic Circle,...
Leave a truck out in the Arctic night with the temperature dropping to -25°F, and you might expect a bit of starting trouble in...
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reliability ... economy ... capacity What's the secret of Ffs high profit performance? Keeping a careful eye on costs, BMC...
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This is Mr. A. P. Horn. He is Transport Director of Progressive Deliveries Holdings Ltd., and that is the largest independent...
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Quantity licensing provided an appropriate—and we hope salutary—baptism of fire for Mr. Richard Marsh when he attended his...
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• Doubts have been expressed about clarity of paragraph 97 of the Natic Board for Prices and Incomes Report No (Productivity...
• Training courses for tanker drive run by Hargreaves Transport Ltd., Mal Street, Rothwell, Leeds, are open to e ployees of...
• Durham District Services Ltd. la company formed at the end of 1950 when three north east independent operators, fearing...
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BOC'S SUCCESS AGAINST BoT • The British Oxygen Co., in the Chancery Division last week, substantially won its action claiming...
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by John Darker • A BRS spokesman last week criticized speculative press reports (not in CM) on the content of the joint...
ALEX KITSON CHALLENGES THE ACTION GROUP from our industrial correspondent • A national "road haulage strike is to be urged...
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by John Darker • The design of clothing for surface transport workers seems a very far cry from space flight problems. Despite...
• About 168 drivers in two Liverpool companies are on strike because their employers refuse to negotiate on the £16 for a...
• Mr. Richard Marsh will take Mrs. Castle's place as principal guest speaker at the TRTA annual dinner at the London Hilton...
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• The International Chamber of Commerce is gravely concerned at the intentions of European countries adopting transport...
• Following the successful management training conference held by the Road Transport Industry Training Board for Northern...
• The quota under the Anglo-German bilateral agreement will be reviewed in mid1968. Members of the RHA's international group...
• A weekly refrigerated road transpori service, particularly designed for small lots, was inaugurated yesterday Thursday). The...
• A robust, lightweight container construc ted of self-supporting plywood panels of ; new design, bolted to a steel frame, has...
• Fairfield Haulage Ltd., Liverpool, ha formed a new company, Fairfield Transi Southern Ltd., to handle containerize'...
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A progress report by a working party of the Economic Development Committee for he Movement of Exports criticizes the slow...
and rail? by John Darker • Low rates are being quoted by British Rail's freight sundries division covering freight between 281b...
• The construction of road stations for goods vehicles as a contribution towards the relief of heavy vehicular traffic in towns...
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• Rates of grants to assist in the removal of trees blown down in the January hurricane were announced by the Secretary of...
• The Ministry of Technology has asked road transport associations for an estimate of the number of vehicles and containeft...
• The Common Market countries are proposing to introduce in July 1969 a single transit document to cover all crossfrontier...
• A Littlemore, Oxford, business, started by the village carrier about 60 years ago with a horse and cart, has been sold for...
The head of the vast VW organization, Dipling. Heinrich Nordhoff, died o Friday, aged 69. Professor Nordhoff. who was president...
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Mr. Richard Marsh, newly appointed Minister if Transport, joined the Commons Committee al the Transport Bill last week for the...
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• An Ormskirk taxi driver told the NorthWestern deputy Licensing Authority in Liverpool last week that he was not sure whether...
• Appeals lodged by Cumberland Motor Services Ltd., Northern General Transport Co. Ltd., and United Automobile Services Ltd....
• A haulier objected to a competitor's licence renewal in Liverpool last week, contending it would enhance the competitor's...
• Little progress was made in the second and final day of the Stansted applications being heard in the Metropolitan Traffic...
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In a written judgment, the Transport ibunal has refused the appeal of A. J. 11 against the decision of the South Eastern...
Protests by 32 local authorities against :e increases by United Automobile Seres were rejected by the Northern Area . affic...
• In Liverpool last week, Waste Clearance Ltd. was granted four additional vehicles to carry industrial waste for disposal or...
• A plant hire firm admitted in Manchester on Wednesday that when it had purchased a low-loader to operate under C licence it...
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Liverpool Exterior view of one of Liverpool City Transport's new MCW-bodied rear-engined Leyland Panthers by Derek Moses •...
from our industrial correspondent • A proposed productivity deal which would give a week rises to 33,000 London busmen has been...
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n Glasgow study report Clydesiders in 1990 will make vastly re journeys than today but relatively ver will be within the city....
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• In a report to the transport committee of the new Tees-side County Borough, formed on April 1, Mr. W. C. Wilson, general...
from our industrial correspondent • The strike of 3,400 Liverpool busmen entered its sixth week with no sign of a peace...
• Mr. Julian Ridsdale, MP for Harwich, said last week that he was prepared to introduce a Bill in the House of Commons if...
• A 3.8 per cent increase in the shortage of municipal bus crews since December is stressed in the written evidence to the...
• Southdown Motor Services Ltd. is introducing a coach/air service in May to the Channel Islands via Southampton. It replaces a...
• Smith Tours (Wigan) Ltd., will have to move its St. Helens picking-up point from outside its booking office to another site,...
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Although still incomplete, a list of proiction figures for cars and commercial :hicks, make-by-make, just published by e SMMT...
• The Integration of Freight Movement', covering road, rail, ports and airports aspects, is one of the sessions arranged for...
• Methods employed in the present-day practice of transport planning for conurbations were the subject of a talk by Mr. R. B....
• A number of special semi-trailers are being built by Reynolds Boughton of Amersham for the transport of pre-fabricated house...
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Bristol breakthrough into Eire • The first new heavy-duty Bristol coach chassis to be ordered for Irish private operators...
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Load protector A load protector in the form of a right-angled strap guide is being marketed by "W" Ribbons Ltd. Of plastics...
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HOWEVER CAREFULLY a fleets maintained, there comes a time when every operator is faced with the problem of towing a broken down...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics (12) • In part 11 I wrote about two examples of vehicle recovery....
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* On getting the sack "Appointments and situations" is a wellthumbed section of CM so I'm told; people even go to the extent...
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performance to match its appearance FIRST IMPRESSIONS are always a matter for caution, especially those of a completely new...
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THE PLATING and braking regulations wit] which all road hauliers must learn to compl . will bear with considerable hardship on...
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The Commer Maxiload offers far more than the profit earning potential of a body/payload allowance of 11/ tons. Its Rootes...
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The lorry driver • Described as a study in occupational sociology, The Lorry Driver by Peter G. Hollowell (published by...
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fleets around the clock, to be honest they must agree that this is in many ways the only economical method of operation. With...
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EVENTS are floating the nationalized transport organizations into a position of power. They have made no efforts to bring about...
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Assoc Inst T Management matters Tyre costs and fitness TYRES have always constituted an appreciable proportion of the total...
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aspects part what would be our legal position if a irer asked for packed goods to be carried nd delivered by the driver? If...
has told us he is intending 'eking it off the road, we are considering -unning it ourselves. Would it be possible !o tax it as...
A A comprehensive list of films on materials handling generally is contained in a catalogue of the National Joint Council on...
a fuel distributing company and expect to average 600 miles a week, with a 16-ton four wheeler. Could you give some guidance on...
A Dealing first with initial allowance, this was at the rate of 20 per cent from 1946 to 1949, then 40 per cent to 1952. For...
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SEARCHING for relevant books in road passenger transport is, as I indicated last week, a tough task, but the going becomes even...
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!AROMATIC lubrication costs less!, Automatic chassis lubrication with Milomatic reduces maintenance costs, saves you oil, and...