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harsh action of the guillotine, which was hastened by Party bickering, the Transport Bill has passed through the seven-day...
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Transport Engineers Essential 'TAKING place on the first night of the great fog, a few of the 350 members and guests of the...
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Of complaints against radiator " falsies." Many a "Hear! hear!" • from readers for Observer's letter That the Foden concern...
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A DECISION to call a strike of British Road Services' workers on " January 19, unless denationalization were postponed, was...
IN the first 48 weeks of this year, 1 British Road Services has lost £1m. of revenue, compared with the corresponding period of...
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flECISION was reversed by the J—/ Transport [Appealj Tribunal, last week, in the case of Kitts Transport Co., Willis Street,...
recently criticized, in the House of Commons, the post-war increase in the size of C-licensed fleets, Col. A. Jerrett,...
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TWENTY-THREE complaints of irregular running by Messrs. W. R. and P. Bingley, Kingsley, Messrs. W. Everett and Son. South...
An import quota for 24 commercial vehicles for 1953 has been fixed by the Eireann Government. Orders for 320 Bristol...
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'r OR exceeding the 15-mile limit stipu1 latcd in their carrier's licence, Messrs. M. G. and A. E. Eaton, 11, Lawton Road,...
was given by Messrs Mitchell Bros., Douglas Water, Lanarks, to the Scottish Licensing Authority, last week, when the firm...
Dispute Over Distr ib ut ing Centre w HETHER the same evidence should be forthcoming for a subsidiary destination as for a...
COME 40-50 per cent. of the mileage kJ run by regular bus operators in South Wales was not renumerative, said Mr. H. J. Thom,...
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IGHT undertakings, one of them municipally owned, are proposing to revise their fares by eliminating id. units. The municipal...
A N appeal by Messrs. J. W. [(itch in and Sons against a decision of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, refusing certain...
C AMP services are among matters which the Minister of Transport has referred to the Thesiger Committee of inquiry into public...
S TATING that he could not be bound by previous decisions, the East Midland Licensing Authority recently granted the South...
IN a new three-wheeled battery' electric vehicle being made by Wales and Edwards Ltd., Shrewsbury, a deep channel-steel frame...
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T HE Report on the Administration of the Road Fund for 1951-52, published by the Stationery Office, price 2s. 6c1., states that...
B ECAUSE, in the inspector's opinion, the railway service did not adequately meet the needs of the Service men concerned and...
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T HE problem of . loading from a raised-deck vehicle with different floor heights has.successfully been overcome by Cleco...
n NE of the Army's new combatk../ vehicle engines, the four-cylindered 13.40, has just completed the first half of a...
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p ERHAPS the time will hang heavily on 'your hands at Christmas with no Parliamentary reports to read. If so, there is nothing...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, m.i.R.T.E. M eadows Four-cylindered Oil Engine in Rutland Condor Provides Good Pulling, Power Combined...
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Pressure-bonded One-piece Roof Embodies a Fully Glazed Sloping Light Over the Surgery D EL1VERY was recently taken by...
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rOR some time the Arlington Motor I Co., Ltd., High Road, Ponders End, Middx., has been converting ex-W.D. Bedford MW-type...
R APID warming-up of oil when the engine is started and the maintenance of correct working temperatures, are features of a new...
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An Experiment in the Bulk Haulage of Whisky, with an Albion 2,000-gallon Stainless-steel Tanker W HAT is claimed to be the...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher Courage's Runs ijo Vehicles to Deliver Drat's) and Bottled Beer in a Large Part of Souther England.'...
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A MEANS whereby the compression ratio of an engine can be maintained at an optimum value in relation to the degree of throttle...
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Is Transport Tribunal Redundant? IS it not time to raise the question of the continued need 1 for the Transport Tribunal?...
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Vacuum Brakes S O far as can be traced, the late J. G. Parry Thomas, one-time holder of the land-speed record, was the first...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Deals with Inquiries from Readers, One of Whom is Concerned with the Transport of Hay : The...
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A NEW 11.1-litre six-cylinclered oil engine of 150 b.h.p. output at 2,000 r.p.m. is now being prodoced by Leyland Motors, Ltd.,...
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THE latest proposal for an electrically operated transmission is contained in patent No. 681,010, which comes from A. Kamper...