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Eight Bus Operators Seek To Eliminate ;d. Units
IGHT undertakings, one of them municipally owned, are proposing to revise their fares by eliminating id. units. The municipal undertaking, Dundee Corporation, and Bristol......
Regular Trade No Reason For More Tours
A N appeal by Messrs. J. W. [(itch in and Sons against a decision of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, refusing certain modifications when granting a licence to continue to......
Thesiger Committee On Camp Services
C AMP services are among matters which the Minister of Transport has referred to the Thesiger Committee of inquiry into public service vehicle licensing. He said in the House of......
"could Not Be Bound By Previous Decisions"
S TATING that he could not be bound by previous decisions, the East Midland Licensing Authority recently granted the South Notts Bus Co., Ltd., permission to jun a number of......
Flexible Drive Unit In New Battery Electric
IN a new three-wheeled battery' electric vehicle being made by Wales and Edwards Ltd., Shrewsbury, a deep channel-steel frame is employed braced by substantial cross-members.......