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Tory amendment allows drivers in dock area HAULIERS this week wel:icomed the mutilation of the riotorious Dock Work...
the bask MUCH harmful and useless legislation had been passed by this Government, Mr Marcus Fox, the BAR Parliamentary...
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by CM reporter A NEW cross-Channel ro-ro freight service planned by Britanny Ferries to run from Portsmouth to St Malo has hit...
THE GOVERNMENT is looking forward to the day when European countries have a common standard of testing for vehicles. This...
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Fares says Board N AREA training manager's Iter containing "grave and amaging" allegations about le operation of the Road...
FUTURE FARES applications coming before the West Midland Traffic Commissioners may not be granted until an efficient audit of...
VICTORY in the Sunday Tunes Beaujolais Race held on Sunday night is being claimed by a Ford Transcontinental driven by Truck...
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SUSPICIONS that trailers brought by lorry and parked at night in residential streets were taken away in the morning by a...
A TREND in pay agreements for drivers emerges from the Transport and General Workers Union agreement in Birmingham this month....
cab (launched at the recent Harrogate show) were successfully predicted by computer programme, according to the vehicle...
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SHORT HAULS Rates warning TANKER operators have been warned by the Road Haulage Association to make sure rates they charge...
THE West Midland Licensing Authority is happy with the procedures being adopted by local authorities in regard to objections to...
Euro Truck Press — the European lorry industry technical journals' association — of which CM is the only British member, has...
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k NEW trans-Sahara freight ;mice is being established by in alliance of three major :ompanies to provide a link vith the...
3RITISH lorry driver Cyril Clarke flew into London's Heathrow tirport last week after being released from a Czech jail where he...
WISDOM is already being seen in the Freight Transport Association policy of refusing to discuss county lorry route schemes...
Bright lights THE FTA has reminded goods vehicle drivers to set an example by making sure they do not drive in reduced...
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MOTORWAY protest groups who disrupt public inquiries are endangering Britain's economic recovery, warns the chairman of the...
YORK TRAILERS are on course for the record profit levels of 1974, says chairman Mr Fred Davies in his quarterly report. The...
regional directors and a new director of operations. Douglas Moore, former territorial director, takes over the latter post....
EUROFREIGHT (IRELAND celebrated the openin; of its new Fleetwood, Lanc offices with the handing ove of two new Volvo F88 29...
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WALLACE ARNOLD has succeeded in preventing National Travel carrying inclusive tour passengers on some express services from...
weekends, Major-General Carpenter said there was a need to hold a balance between road and rail transport. As far as the...
LEYLAND has uprated its Leopard coach chassis to a maximum of 16 tons to enable it to take heavier coachwork with luxury...
A NEW E700,000 bus and rail interchange was opened at Altringham on Wednesday by Greater Manchester Council leader Sir Robert...
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AN INJUNCTION was granted against Gastonia Coaches Ltd in the Chancery Division of the High Court last week to restrain the...
LONDON Transport passengers will not now have to face the severe fare increases predicted for next spring. And London Transport...
AN ERA ends in East York shire this month with th, withdrawal of the last AEC Bridgemaster from service. I is the last of 50...
Piccadill: between Old Park Lane an Berkeley Street on Novembe 15 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Zebra crossings near Hal Moon...
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An occasional series on faces in the news Off the buses JIM SKYRME, the newest honorary member of Confed and chief executive...
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the squeezer AN AMERICAN invention enabling lightweight foam blocks or similar materials to be carried in larger quantities...
THE BIGGEST trailer yet from York's special trailer division this "oil field float" for operation at up to 120 tons gcw. It is...
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AFTER ONLY a couple of weeks' negotiations, the pat tern is already firmly set for the current round of pay talks. The accent...
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FURNITURE REMOVERS are more vulnerable to customer complaints than any other supplier of transport, with the possible exception...
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MENTION pallets to a road transport man who operates vans or containers and it's a safe be that the name of JOLODA will soon be...
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THEY were all in high spirits in the Connaught Rooms on Thursday evening at the annual dinner of Confed. It seemed that most of...
Jack Ashwell, the TGWU National Organiser, says he wants convoys with armed guards organised to protect drivers on the Middle...
Journalists are constantly being accused of knowing very little about a great deal, being theorists rather than practical men...
They might have been wining and dining well at Confed but things have been different up in Boroughbridge. Apparently drivers on...
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IT'S BEEN said that the ideal solution in warehousing is to eliminate the warehouse altogether. To the transport industry the...
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THE 1976 National Conference of the BIM's Centre for Physical Distribution Management was heavily over-subscribed. Some 240...
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AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION is becoming very much the order of things at transport conferences this year. Following in the wake of...
The first speaker Mr Graham Boxall of Pickfords Ltd spoke on the individual rights of employees. He reminded the delegates that...
Mr Roy Fox, managing director of Fox the Mover of Cymbran, South Wales dealt with the question of trade union membership and...
The functioning of industrial tribunals was taken up by Mr Derek Payne of White's Removal and Transport Ltd of Birmingham. He...
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Mr Keith Steel of Martells of Sutton dealt with redundancies and warned the delegates that when redundancy was contemplated...
Mr Torn Wilkie, managing director of Wilkie's Transport of Edinburgh, dealt with the issue of collective bargaining, which he...
The morning session was wound up by Mr Brian Barnes, managing director of Barnes of Lincoln, and the finishing theme was...
Mr Len Cox, chairman of the BAR Fair Trading sub committee, addressed the conference on customer relations. He reminded...
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but I feel that I can obtain better working and greater flexibility with articulated units. Can you say what is the ideal ratio...
what way do these differ from conventional wooden pallets and do you think the cage pallet idea has growth potential? A The...
clear about completing the EEC type log sheet Some of my colleagues have told me that I may use one sheet for the night's work...
and, naturally l want a proper return for my efforts. have your Cost Tables and note that you include 20 per cent for return on...
distribution over a wide area and rising costs are forcing me to re-assess the profitability of this operation I feel that...
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AN ENGINE can overheat as a result of a fault somewhere other than in the cooling system, so careful diagnosis is needed. To...
IT disagrees London Transport disagrees with the basis used by Movement for London in calculating the cost per extra ride...
MUCH confusion is evident in the comments and opinions expressed in the press recently, by trade associations, trade unions and...
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by Les Oldridge, T Eng(CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE QUITE OFTEN there are no independent witnesses to road accidents and in such cases a...
NO OPPORTUNITY is lost for making angry noises about the heavy lorry and everyone concerned with it. Even the tachograph issue,...