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1738-1801 B ORN in Scotland of a landowning family, Abercromby did not at first intend to become a soldier. However, when he...
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T HE announcement was made last week that a new Order concerning the lighting on motor vehicles is to be issued by the Ministry...
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Of More car agents taking up the handling of commercial-vehicle sales. The query: " Will creosote preserve oil engines, As it...
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A NOTHER important development in the co-ordination of the road-transport industry is signalized by the incorporation of...
T HE Committee of Eastern Area, ii.R.0„ has been giving serious consideiation to the •problems of the forthcoming sugar-beet...
S O far, tfie Ministry of Labour's scheme for the training of men and women as drivers for haulage vehicles is operating in...
eri E increase in the applications by persons who have not previously held carriers' licences or permits, for C-class permits...
distributors hi have recently received some consignments of commercial vehicles, which have been welcomed by operators...
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W E understand that the National Farmers Union is recommending that the sugar-beet rates suggested by the Eastern Area...
T HE 'need for adequate transport for essential war workers and the damaging effects on productIon of road accidents, were two...
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I T has bees decided by the Board of Trade that the premium payable under the business scheme for wardamage. insurance for the...
T HE Eastern Area A.R.O. recently circulated a questionnaire dealing with the problem of labour in. reference to the transport...
WE learn that a narrower model of VI! the articulated - type buses now being delivered to the Transportation Department of the...
A LMOST all the commoner Indian vegetable oils can be used satisfactorily as oil-engine fuel in place of mineral oil, according...
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A RISING out of the new wages under R.H.S, the Executive Council of Express Carriers has discussed the problems of Wage...
P ROCEEDINGS were recently taken, 1 under the Road Haulage Wages Act, against Mr. P. C. H. Johnson, of Terrington St. Clement,...
LTHOUGH there is, as yet, no r& acute shortage of male bus drivers, officials . of _Glasgow Transport Department are looking...
T HE September Bulletin of Associated Road Operators states "that the Treasury proposes to make an Order exempting solid tyres...
promise,cl to give some points from two of the papers read at the Annual Conference of the Institute of Public Cleansing,...
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Long and Short 5-tonners with Drop-sided and Tipping Bodies Respectively Offered at Prices that are Attractive F OR the use of...
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r CROSS-COUNTRY WORK O NLY one axle and no external anchorage of the track are necessary in a new self-laying track mechanism...
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An Official of What is Claimed to be the Largest Union Queries the Need for a Drivers' Association By J. E. CORRIN National...
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INCORPORATING a Karrier tractive lunit and a Carrimore semi-trailer, the articulated buS' shown in the aceom-,...
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More Views on a Drivers' Association \TOUR proposals regarding the formation of a' A commercial-vehicle drivers' association...
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.A New Runbaken Device, Named the Oilcoil, which Constitutes an Adaptation of a Principle Employed in Large Transformers F OR...
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WHILST somewhat limited in its W application, a desi g n of nut-lockin g device shown in patent No. 538,313 is nevertheless in...