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goods vehicles on the subject of a 30 m.p.h. limit for lorries over 3 tons unladen has been conducted by The Commercial Motor....
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T HE buying and selling of the many types of commercial vehicle present numerous aspects. In days of yore, it was frequently...
Unsolicited Testimonial LTHOUGH the value of the work done Cl nationally by the Road Haulage Association is not to be...
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That B.R.S. want to sell their cake and keep it. Of an old reader complaining of the flimsiness of modern bui tickets. That...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A TOP-LEVEt dispute over policy on denationalization is in progress 1-1 in the Road Haulage...
C ONTRARY to expectations, no date for the next meeting of the National Joint Industrial Council, at which the speed limit on...
N o agreement was reached when the application for an increase in the wages of vehicle-building employees was discussed in...
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1 New Specially Processed Rayotwist Cord Body All Cords used in the Traction Hi-Miler are specially processed to remove...
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Disagreement with R.H.A. Policy: Demand for Compromise with B.R.S. A FTER holding office for only 10 months, Mr. John Barber...
THE travelling public in Scotland preferred to pay more rather than to be - incomienienced by any deterioration in the...
A LLEGATIONS that British Road 1 -1 . Services had orders not to deal with Allison's Transport (Contracts), Ltd., and were not...
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MR. G. A. HICK is to become sales director of Whitlock Bros., Ltd. MR. DAVID J. GRIMES has been appointed chairman of Dennis...
A A TEMPERATE, " middle-of-theroad " policy was important in the control of the Association's affairs at the present time, Mr....
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A N appeal by the British Transport Commission against the granting of an A licence by the Metropolitan Deputy Licensing...
A MONG items exhibited at the second C.A.V. northern conference at Harrogate on Tuesday and Wednesday was an A.C. generator and...
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G RANTING permission last week to Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., to increase fares, the North-Western Licensing Au t hori it...
Q NE of the most satisfactory features of denationalization had been the opportunities given the small haulier, said Mr. J....
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" T HE authorities now tend to think exclusively of ' keeping the traffic mos ing,' entirely forgetting ... that the purpose...
IT was reasonable for a lorry driver to assume that the vehicle he was employed to drive was kept properly insured by his...
A " REVOLUTIONARY " agreement 4 - 1 entered into by 10 Bristol coach operators which will allow them to enter each other's...
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( IF 149 people said in evidence to have travelled to Scarborough MI coaches of G. H. Austin and Sons, Ltd.. Station Garage,...
A N accident in Birmingham in which a man was injured when the driver of a bus fainted apd the vehicle rolled backwards, was...
F IVE Lake District bus operators all made similar applications to the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority at Carlisle last...
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CIFTY-SIX of the 76 services of W. I Alexander and Sons, Ltd., in northern Scotland, lose money. Losses totalled £62,000 in...
D IFFICULTIES experienced by workers of Laporte Titanium, Ltd., Stallingborough, in travelling to and from work by the...
I T was a common practice among lorry drivers to sign receipts for more petrol than they received, Abergavenny magistrates were...
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TERNV FOR TRUCE Eighty-one Operators From All Parts Offer Their Views and Provide a Basis for Settlement By A. E....
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says L. M. Marshall R OAD transport has played a great part . in improving the marketing of eggs and poultry. The days of the...
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Promise of Longer Life and Less Need for Maintenance is Held Out by Coaches Based Upon Chassis Such as Those Purchased by Don...
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in Semi-trailer LTHOUGH it is a low - loader, a I-1 25 - ton semi-trailer recently designed and built by Carrimore Six...
A NEW dual - control hydraulic reaction valve for use in the braking system of articulated outfits has been introduced by Feeny...
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asks E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. —Who Commiserates with the Average Industrial Transport Manager on His Unhappy Lot But Does He...
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A MOBLLE laboratory is being used by the Research Institute (Animal Virus Diseases), Pirbright, Surrey, in fighting diseases...
range of equipment produced by the Merlin Engineering Co., Ltd., Hebble Mills. Halifax. It is called the Calimaster Model M6...
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A NEW fork-lift truck only 2 ft. wide has been added by Matling, Ltd., 28 Caxton Street, London, S.W.I, to their range of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech,E. A L THOUGH the traffic from the Potteries was described to me as presenting a `.`...
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Don't "Buy" 30 m.p.h. R EGARDING your letter, Will '30' for heavies pay?" [This was a circular letter addressed to a number of...
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Rule Forty-two "I ivish you wouldn't squeeze so," said the Dormouse, who was sitting next to her. I can hardly breathe." "1...
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Ex-B.R.S. Lorries Licensed in Seven Traffic Areas : Large Number of Assignments : More R.5 Units Sold S PECIAL A licences for...
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Lodge Plugs, Ltd., St. Peter's Road, Rugby, have published a new eatalogde. United Dominions Trust, I,td.. are to open a...
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/ N my article in The Commercial Motor dated February 18, I set out some information relating to the timesi.taken for loading...
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A POWER-ASSISTED steering r %system, when subjected to sideways impacts arising from rough ground, will constantly try to...