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Many of the British operators who attended the international transport seminar in France last week returned to the UK with a...
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. . . and will take a tough line in profitability at home by CM reporter • The National Freight Corporation intends to build...
• Share dealings in Burnholme and Forder Ltd have been suspended and the company is closing its transport depots in Newcastle...
• A spokesman for Seddon-Atkinsor has denied to CM that the company haf any plans for building a double-deck bus as had been...
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• Because of the number of magistrate: convictions recorded against Ralph Hilto Transport Services Ltd, of Gateshead, th...
by Martin Hayes • Plans for a Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport took a further step forward at a meeting on...
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loor on jobless by Philip Robinson Two Group Training Associations of the TITB have stopped teaching unemployed Len to drive...
• Despite the Chancellor's announcement last week that there must be a £10m reduc tion in public spending in the transport...
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• The old members of the European Economic Community — the Six — should be given more Community haulage permits for 1973-74...
• While the techniques outlined in Th. Repair of Vehicle Bodies by A. Robinson published at £4.50 by Heinemann Educ ational...
• A study on Channels and costs of grocery distribution by the Manchester Business School, published this week, says that a...
• Sir George Harriman, who less than two months ago relinquished his position as honorary president of British Leyland, died on...
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being 'poached'? by John Darker, Amsim 11 The possibility that employees sent tway for hgv driver training should be .equired...
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Greater Glasgow PTE. Headed by director-general Ronald Cox, the PTE is operating from offices at Scottish Life House, 48 St...
because • Plans by Eastern Counties Omnibus Co conventional return Ltd to introduce a multi-journey discount ticket have been...
• A patent for a system of automatic fare collection which will make it "almost impossible" to bilk bus operators was given a...
Centrebus service the West Midland PT is to experiment with a new all-over oram livery. This was decided at a meeting of tl PTA...
• Alderman Andrew Cunninghw chairman of the Tyneside PTA, likely to resign from the post. Thi follows a ruling from the Ministe...
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iightseeing snarl-up by Marlin Hayes Coach operators who bring tourists to andon's sightseeing highspots — and there m be few...
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• Kelso Tractors Ltd of Kelso had its licence curtailed to one vehicle and two trailers, for three months last week in...
• The House of Clydesdale, a department store operator in Glasgow, had its licence curtailed to 10, as specified, and then to...
George Eric Hutchinson, has been appointed traffic manager for Tyneside PTE. Mr Hutchinson began his career in 1962 with The...
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What is claimed to be the world's first nobile quick-freeze plant has been built itilizing seven American Fruehauf trailers....
• The Locomotors Ltd bodybuilding works at Barlows Lane, Andover (tel 0264 3766) is to be expanded, and the use of modern...
• Atkinson Borderer two-axle tractive units are now available with the Rolls-Royce Eagle 280 engine. The turbocharged engine...
• The price given in last week's road test of the Rolls-Royce-engined Foden tractive unit with S80 cab should have been £7720...
For the next seven days S UNDAY June 3. PAKEX 74. International packaging exhibition. Olympia lends June 7). MONDAY. TMC (East...
• Warwickshire County Fire Brigade has now taken delivery of the first HCB-Angus type B fire engine to be powered by a Jaguar...
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by CM reporter HAULIERS, FORWARDERS and customers in West Germany are now using a computerized system of matching the freight...
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The ship of fools WHATa way to run a railway! — Old Saw. Whether it was his intention or not, Dr Stewart Joy, in his book The...
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• Secret weapon Ken Jackson, the TGWU's top road haulage negotiator, has a most surprising secret weapon — a pocket...
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"Suddenly Jo5o cut our truck's lights, pulled to the offside and accelerated. 'With our lights off we'll see the glow of...
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by Martin Hayes Pictures by Dick Ross RECURRENT THEME with luxury oach operators in the UK at present is he need to attract...
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IN the 12 months since the last Testers' Twelvemonth, CM May 12 1972, CM staff have tested 26 vehicles and briefly tried many...
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— and I would like to know what you estimate our current total operating cost per mile should be. We cover 800 /1000 miles per...
in accordance with the Goods Vehicles (Plating and Testing) (Amendment) Regulations 1972. When these are plated should they be...
without a trailer attached to hold a heavy goods vehicle driving licence? My company frequently wishes to transfer tractive...
commits a driving offence while driving a private motor car and subsequently is prosecuted and disqualified, does that...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Links in the transport chain Efficient freight transport demands the rapid processing of...
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Developments in specialized transport for public utilities and local authorities can have implications in other areas of road...
by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE Unfair dismissal (2) BESIDES incapability and misconduct, there are two legitimate...
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Details to save down-time (23) 1 driver may be able to save workshop staff lot of time if when reporting steering rouble, he...