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W HILST it would not he altogether fair to remark (as did the 18th-century poet Matthew Green) that politics go by the weather,...
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T HE transport of goods by road. measured in ton-.miles, increased by over a quarter between 1958 and 1962: of the 26 per cent...
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I NJ YLIALLy designed for bulk wholesale traffic, new " sideloader " semi-trailers orierated by Robertson and Woodcock Ltd.,...
THE first of a series of mechanically loaded delivery vehicles which St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association, Edinburgh, is...
THE recent announcement by the HE of TralfspOrt of the proposed route of the motorway extension from Lancaster to Penrith in...
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M ORE wage agreements following on the award to A and B licence haulage workers in RH(74) were announced on Wednesday by the...
( -LOSER co-operation between road hauliers and the railways had become a much more urgent issue now that the railways had...
Area annual general meeting on Wednesday, Mr. J. A. Edmonds was re-elected chairman and Mr. E. G. Carson and Mr. G. Morgan,...
ments must stand. Efforts by six local authorities to have the original toll agreement waived, because of alleged changes in...
N OW that the talks on the Common Market have failed this country will no longer be bound to adopt what is done in Europe, but...
" Q UR attitude has been broadened by our comparisons between what goes on in Britain and what goes on in other countries, and...
THE managing director of a transport company, accused of conspiring to falsify drivers log sheets, was lined £1,005 at...
fuel tax will be pressed by a deputation from the Road Haulage Association and Traders Road Transport Association when they...
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'THE Ministry of Transport was not I blind to the problem of the heavy goods vehicle, said Mr. John Hay, Parliamentary...
loads over 20 ft. wide and 90 ft. long had been dealt with by the Ministry of Transport, said ViceAdmiral John Hughes-Hallett,...
loaned to Manchester Corporation Transport Department. The vehicle chosen, RM 1414, is of the standard L.T.B. layout, with rear...
sales conference of Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd. at Victoria Coach Station last week were told that the company's new...
bus link, a combined buselectric train service from Castlemilk to the centre of Glasgow, will be withdrawn on May 3. The Lord...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE election battle has started and road transport is in the thick of it. The Conservatives...
T HE continuous fall which has been occurring over a number of years in passengers on London's buses and Green Line coaches was...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE general secretary of the T.G.W.U., Mr. Frank Cousins, has bowed to the will of his...
13irkenhead Corporation has recommended the acceptance of tenders for the supply of nine Daimler Fleetline rearengined...
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Tribunal in London on :Tuesday allowed an appeal by J. Alderson, of Darlington, against a decision of the Northern Licensing...
haulier to add three vehicles to an A licence to carry livestock, said to have been made as a result of British Railways'...
Elderslie, formed to handle' part of the Rootes Group traffic, was successful on Tuesday at Glasgow in an A licence application...
T HEspotlight was again turned on the question of truth in travel tours brochures at a resumed hearing in Leeds on Wednesday in...
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S TRONG support by the National Coal Board and the National Union of Mine Workers was given at Leeds on Monday for an...
by Lewis Cronshaw Ltd., Venture Transport (Hendon) Ltd., London Transport Executive, Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd., and W....
Bristol last week, R. W. Baker , (Stonehouse) Ltd., of Gloucester, was successful in a sevenvehicle contract A to B licence...
ri A SPECIMEN form of contract, sent by the North Western Licensing Authority's office to a haulier operating vehicles under...
'THE late arrival of aircraft at Southend airport was stated to be one of the major reasons for a series of applications by W....
of the Western Traffic Commissioners in granting to Warner Motors Ltd. a variation of the conditions attached to its road...
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T HE Metropolitan Area "Applications and Decisions" contains this week's largest individual application in vehicle numbers,...
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Dormobile and Utilecon Division, of Martin Walter Ltd., Folkestone. He was formerly a director of Philip Rickards (Midland)...
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A Van That You Can't Walk-Thru A NEW development in armoured vans was demonstrated this week by Glover, Webb and Liversidge...
A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor of February 1, the parent company of the Leyland group has been renamed The Leyland...
T HE method of handling frozen products shown in the picture below has been developed by Blox Services Ltd in conjunction with...
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THE major petroleum companies joined I in a general increase in the price of diesel fuel (derv) fast week. The increase is Id....
R EV1SED and expanded, though following the familiar pattern of presentation, the 1963 edition of "Who's Who in the Motor...
standing practice of fitting Leylandmade injectors in diesel engines produced by Leyland Motors Ltd. for road vehicles is...
WITHIN the next two or three months vv a target of 1,350 diesel engines a week will be reached by B.M.C.'s Bathgate plant. The...
THERE are now well over 11m. com mercial vehicles and 6+m. cars registered in Great Britain. The total number of mechanically...
SAND TIPPERS FOR SHEFFIELD: One of Britain's biggest producers of foundry moulding sand, Genefax Transport Ltd., of Sheffield,...
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D EMONSTRAT1ONS were given last week by Sir George Godfrey and Partners (Industrial) Ltd., Hanworth, MicIdx, of an electrically...
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A N automatic chassis lubrication system has been introduced by Telehoist Ltd., Cheltenham. It is to be made and sold in the...
D UBBOLITE lamps to meet the require' ments of the new regulations for long vehicles and trailers have been introduced by...
'ROTH the R.A.C. and the A.A. have LP now published 1963 editions of their guides to touring abroad. To a certain extent the...
P OLYURETHANE foam faced with plastics has been introduced by Ceilon Acoustics Ltd., 50 Bland Street, Moss Side, Manchester,...
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BY D. E. A. PETTIT, Minst.T., Chairman S.P.D. Ltd. "Never have the winds of change blown more strongly throughout the...
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By A. J. P. WILDING T HE nearest that the general public gets to the operation of goods transport and the closest it gets to...
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By JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HIS is the season of the plumber, and during a winter such as this year's the plumber has been...
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THIS is the first in a new series of market survey's to be carried out by The Commercial Motor. The aim is to analyse groups of...
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House of I Commons that "experience has shown that for safe and convenient operation with vehicles up to 8 ft. wide, each...
my revered father wrote you a letter in reply to the very interesting discussion on commercial vehicle brakes reported in your...
issue to highlight the 1 question of commercial vehicle brakes. With the maximum speed increased to 40 m.p.h. and proposed...
load stuck tinder a low bridge. To stop this, would not be a good idea to mark tow bridges on road maps, that a driver carrying...
hills tends bring - vehicles to a halt by reducing their traction geared up drive on one wheel only. Would not limited-slip...
poR many years I have kept records on the history military motor transport. In my files I have os 15,000 photographs, some 490...
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3Y W. CLARKE, TRAFFIC OFFICER, TRADERS ROAD TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION T HE number of vehicles using the roads increases annually,...
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Mixed fleet provides county-wide service for Leeds department store. The many facets of a Yorkshire family business S HINING...
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uernational Query? V HAT will be the position of British international hauliers wanting to move vehicles into Common larket...
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WRITES ‘. . . the customers must make a radical change in their transport thinking' p ARLIAMENTARY procedure calling for the...
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FOR PROFIT The Price of Service Z OAD transport is a term which to the layman implies a relatively uniform industry engaged...