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The chance to re-shape the pattern of labour relations and wage negotiating machinery across the wide field of road transport...
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by P. A. C. Brockington, AMIMechE • A simple type of axle-load warning device incorporating a micro-switch has been...
• The £60m State-owned Scottish Bus Group came forward on February 23 with detailed proposals outlining terms for the leasing...
by John Darker • Guidance notes designed to speed the turn-round of vehicles delivering supplies from food manufacturers to...
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• The Ministry of Labour is likely to be told soon that the TRTA favours participation in the new wages structure which must...
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By H. Brian Cottee • The haulage section of Northern Ireland's newly established Road Transport Industry Training Board had an...
By John Darker • An aggressive commercial policy is to be followed by British Railways' new Sundries division to develop some...
• TUC clears • • • • • • tanker pay • • • claim • • • A wage claim notified by the Transport • • and General Workers Union on...
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by Paul Brockington • Increased productivity in the handling of sugar in various forms will depend as much as anything else,...
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IMH Felixstowe conference reviewed by John Darker, AMB1M • In the run-up before the main onset of containerization begins with...
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• A higher-payload version of the BMC 190 J4 van—plated for 2 tons and known as the 200 J4—has been announced by the British...
Alec Issigonis has been relieved of his executive responsibilities at his own request. BMC announced on Tuesday. He will remain...
Car Co. Ltd., in succession to R. P. Bedslow who is retiring from active business. G. M. Newberry has been appointed a director...
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• There was to be a "carve-up" between Passenger Transport Executives, the National Bus Company and private operators, when...
• The scheme for the Transport Holding Company to take over the buses of British Electric Traction was not a "Socialist pipe...
• The Ministry of Transport had never specifically focused its attention upon the slow-vehicle hazard at level crossings. Mr....
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• It is clear that Labour Party managers in Parliament are poised ready to ask the Commons to approve the use of the guillotine...
• The refusal by the South Wales LA of a B licence application led to an appeal by Short Bros. (Transport) Ltd. before the...
• In two TV appearances and a meeting with over 100 hauliers in Plymouth on Tuesday the RHA's national chairman, Mr. P. H. R....
• The entire premises were covered with seven inches of mud, there was no inspection pit or under-cover facility and nobody...
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• Exercising his right under section 135 of the Road Traffic Act, Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner Mr. D. I. R. Muir granted a...
A register of "bad" road haulage employers has been compiled by the Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union to assist objections...
• Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, the North Western deputy LA, in Liverpool on Friday was urged not to license transport, even indirectly,...
I The driver of a 3+-ton Bedford consisting of chassis, engine and driver's seat was prosecuted by the police for exceeding 30...
• A 10-vehicle B-to-A licence switch was granted by the North Western deputy LA to R. J. Swainbank Ltd., Liverpool, last week...
• With the number of cars expected to double by 1980, this growth will be a primary factor in determining the work load falling...
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You must prove need • "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. ." If Clause 58 of the Transport Bill...
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• Following a serious accident in Japan two years ago when a bus belonging to the Nishitetu Bus Co. was hit at a level crossing...
• A deputation from Newcastle upon Tyne City Council met Mrs. Barbara Castle in London on Tuesday, to protest about the...
is seeking many amendments to the Transport Bill. The list has been submitted to the Minister of State, MoT, with copies to...
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NEW TALKS NEXT WEEK ON LTB CLAIM from our industrial correspondent • Further talks are to be held next week on the TGWU claim...
• What is claimed to be a new style one-man double-deck bus with technical and passenger refinements beyond anything at present...
• An order for 10 Daimler Fleetline 33ft. double-deckers has been placed by Southdown Motor Services Ltd. They will be fitted...
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by R. D. Cater • Two new tipper conversions based on the Bedford KM range of vehicles have been introduced by Reynolds...
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• Unsophisticated, robust work-horses at extremely competitive prices are to be the type. of semi-trailers produced by the new...
• A light version of the Ceschi-Primrose self-tracking axle is now being used for third-axle conversions of medium-weight goods...
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Among the "'fastest moving" spare parts in a semi-trailer fleet, especially when vehicles sometimes park on open ground in dock...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery tricks, trucks and tactics (5) • Almost everyone in goods transport must be familiar with the...
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*Not on the bone George Downie, now managing director of European Cargo Handling Operations Ltd., but a former chief of...
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IT IS DIFFICULT to point to any business in Britain with a faster growth rate than that of supermarkets. Tesco does not claim...
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HAULACOST An exclusive CM introduction to a computer-based information system developed by English Electric Computers Ltd. in...
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When considering the question of chassis and engine cleaning it can be accepted that the only way of achieving 100% cleanliness...
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What Atkinson's chairman thinks about it • How real is the risk that the current Leyland enthusiasm for big grouping might...
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In "The common room" (COMMERCIAL MOTOR. February 9) Mr. G. Wilmot stated that RHA and the TRTA should be the basic responsible...
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by F. H. WOODWARD ACIS, FRSA, AM ITA IT is now almost three years since The Plessey Co. Ltd. undertook a massive...
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THERE ARE several good reasons why 16-ton-gross four-wheelers currently available on the British market have been chosen for...
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and the future for C-licence operation ALREADY many far-seeing operators of C-licensed fleets are trying to. assess just how...
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BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIM 1111111111111111 "CONTAINERIZATION" is galloping ahead with such giant strides that most busy road...
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Fishing expedition DEMONSTRATIONS, meetings and parades must have attracted local attention to road operators which they might...
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The economics of delivery vans MORE and more organizations are now attaching greater importance to the function of transport...
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A Yes. The Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, recently published (report LR79) Cost of Road Accidents in Great Britain, by...
Britain is 32 tons, under what conditions are tractor and trailer combinations far in excess of this weight allowed to operate...
drivers' hours compare with the existing regulations contained in the Road Traffic Act 1960? When are the new proposals likely...
A There are now so many industrial films on this subject that the National Joint Council on Materials Handling has recently...
V8 petrol engine of a fork-lift truck to operate on liquified petroleum gas? The engine is an American Ford unit that was...
meals service. When averaging 300 miles a week what is the operating cost per mile? A Inclusive of £13 7s a week for driver's...
A Assuming the vehicle he drives is operated under A or B licence the regulations governing the granting of annual holidays...
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HURRIED and ill-prepared-these are common criticisms of the Industrial Training Act (1964). I have never accepted the majority...