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rrillE replies of the tyre manufacturers to the -Iprotest, recently made in our columns by an official of a prominent...
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NDUSTRIAL vehicles sold in France are exempt from the ordinary tare de luxe which is levied on the purchase price of all...
JJ ESPITE all efforts on the part of associations of hauliers and those concerned in passenger transport, rate-cutting by...
I T is human nature to throw the blame of rapid wear or breakdown of a vehicle on to its designer and maker, but there are very...
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Of a possible setting-back of dumb irons. That asphalt covers multitudes of road sins. That few bus routes can be taken for...
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Some further interesting developments in eonnection with the use of motor vehicles are, we learn, being made by the Great...
As from to-day, the prices of Morris commercial motor vehicles are modified in respect of the 8-cwt. model, the chassis of...
A new type Scorer chassis will be shown at the Commercial Motor Show at Olympia in November. It has been designed and...
A very interesting offer is made by the Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd., of 4042, 'Newman Street, London, W.1. On application they...
Reporting to the motorbus committee of the Merthyr Corporation, Mr. D. F. Adey, the bus superintendent, expresses the opinion...
We learn from Berlin that, with the object of preventing accidents, the Union of German Trade Associations is organizing a...
The two pictures of the Morris vehicle which are shown on this page have recently been received from Malay and depict the type...
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The illustrations which we reproduce on this page show a new type of singledeck omnibus which has recently been put into...
At a meeting of the tramways committee of the Oldham. Corporation the general manager presented his observations on the report...
In his 1924-25 report the county surveyor of Northampton mentions the fact that six steam wagons purchased in 1919 were...
It is reported that, owing to increasing traffic, the Paris Motor Bus Company is considering the question of introducing...
• G. D. Peters and Co., Ltd., Windsor • Works, Slough, Bucks, announce that . Mr. F. C. Hibberd has resigned his position as...
The makers of Mann steam wagons have just issued three new booklets which contain much of interest to steam wagon users,...
• Figures which have just been issued show that the traffic receipts for the • four weeks ending August 14th last on - the...
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The Pttris municipal tramway and omnibus concern, known as the S.T.C.R.P., raised all the fares on their omnibuses and trams...
An interesting caravan outfit is now • making its way aeross America, hayineset out from California a short while ago for the...
Amongst the latest garage equipment which has just been introduced by Mann, Egerton and Co., Ltd., 5,' Prince of Wales Road,...
In connection Niith the forthcoming road traffic census which is being undertaken the Isle of Ely County Council has arranged...
Last week, in our article dealing with rear-axle design, we referred to the worm gear manufactured by David Brown and Sons...
The committee of the Huddersfield Co-operative Society—which has its own motor coaches, under the direction of Mr. T. Flint,...
It is stated that there are at present -4,500 four-seater and .120 two-seater taxicabs in service in Berlin. The twoseater,...
A quiet state of affairs continues to prevail in the trade in commercial vehicles in the Irish Free State, only 18 vehicles,...
Members of the Society of Engineers and their friends are to make a tour of inspection ofthe works of the London General...
Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, WC., ask us to point out that minor defects in castings, such as...
The Czecho-Slovakian Co., of Pram whose gigantic Motor ploughs have been a feature of the past two agricultural machinery...
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At a meeting of the Torquay Watch Committee, the town clerk reported that he was continually receiving complaints from various...
As a result of an increasing demand in Birmingham for Wild-Barfield electric furnaces, Automatic and Electric' Furnaces, Ltd.,...
Loads which have to be transported by the vehicles in the service of a manufacturing chemist are mostly divided into two...
The general committee of the Dublin Mercantile Association, Ltd., has recently discussed the necessity for the Government...
In connection with the first-aid exhibition which is to be held in Geneva from October 7th to 18th next, reference to. which...
At a meeting of the Ellesmere Port and Whitby Urban District Council the clerk related that he bad communicated with the...
On August 18th 83 light motorcars and 51 heavy motor lorries set out from Leningrad on the initial stages of the Russian motor...
The Ministry of Transport has dis*allowed the appeal of Messrs. C. Davies and Son against the refusal of the Merthyr...
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The Leeds Co-operative Society continues to increase its fleet of motor vehicles. During the past half-year it spent £1,126 on...
The authorities in the 31artlepools district, which is the centre of vast timber trade interests, have for some time past given...
The demand for motor ships continues to show a steady increase. Owing to the reliability and great economy of the...
At a meeting of the Merthyr Corporation a letter was read from Western Services, Ltd, stating they were prepared to give an...
In the description of the 30-seater Dennis saloon bug recently delivered for service in South Wales, which was published in our...
A few days ago a new through bus service was instituted between Huddersfield and Halifax, and it will continue to be maintained...
Norden Urban District Council has decided to purchase a 1-ton motor lorry at a cost of £156. Pembroke County Council has...
. Ripaults, Ltd., King's Road, London, N.W.1, inform us that they have been appointed concessionnaires for Great Britain for...
Drivers should note that the Nantyffin Road, Swansea, from near the Star Inn, Llansamlet Road to Winch Wen Road, has been...
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With a 20 h.p. Engine, Four-speed Gearbox and Pneumatic Tyres, a Light Vehicle with Ample Speed Capacity, Economical in Fuel is...
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A SUGGESTION of importance in the matter of essential qualification for a licensed driver of a bus or coach is to be discussed...
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A Further Reply (this time from the India Rubber Manufacturers' Association) to the Article of a Tyre Consumer who Contended...
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Why Should there be an Interval between Tarring and Gritting a Roadway when a Tarred Road can be Made "All Dry" in a Few...
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How Time Occupied in Loading and Unloading Operations is Reduced to a Minimum by the Use of Special Chassis and Demountable...
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The Yearly Maintenance Bill, the Factors that Affect the Costs and the Methods by which Accurate Accounting may be Obtained....
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A LTHOUGH it is well known amongst a large circle of users of the JB4 engine it should be stated for the benefit of those who...
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NV THEN considering modern tendencies in design, one which appears to be of outstanding importance and in which the...
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The Liability of an Omnibus Owner to Maintain a Scheduled Service and the Question of His Being Prevented by Accident or Other...
The highways committee of the Lancashire County _Council reports that it has received an application for the closing of...
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Details of the Work Performed by the Vehicles in the Service of the Cleaning Department. Costs of Operation for the Past...
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A Review of the Operations of a Prominent Tees-side Company who Cater Especially for High-class Trade. i niNE of the most...
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Details of the Efforts which are Being Made by the Municipal Authorities to Bring About an Improvement in the Financial Returns...
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An Official Inquiry into a Bus Proprietor's Appeal Against the Refusal of the Swansea Watch Committee to Grant Licences to O N...
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A Unique Municipal Appliance, Capable of Rapid Conversion to Alternative Uses and Suitable for Small Corporations and...
The Ministry of Transport recently arranged for a census of main-rand traffic to be taken in Llandudno. This was effected...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2407] Sir,—I was interested to read the above article in your issue for July 28th, and feel...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2408] Sir,—I was greatly interested in the article on aluminium pistons in The Commereiq...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, [2409.1 Sir,—In view of the correspondence on the subject of road surfaces which has recently...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 635.—Bent Hose Connections. In some petrol...
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Suggestions from Some of Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. T HE necessity arises for reboring the big-end bearings and...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. I N a new device recently patented, the usual row of ieeth on the...