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G.w.r. Motor Developments.
Some further interesting developments in eonnection with the use of motor vehicles are, we learn, being made by the Great Western Railway Co., Ltd. Following successful......
Morris New Prices.
As from to-day, the prices of Morris commercial motor vehicles are modified in respect of the 8-cwt. model, the chassis of which is now priced at £127 10s., instead of £135.......
• A New Saurer.
A new type Scorer chassis will be shown at the Commercial Motor Show at Olympia in November. It has been designed and constrticted to carry loads of 2 tons at high speed,......
A Camera Free For A Short List.
A very interesting offer is made by the Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd., of 4042, 'Newman Street, London, W.1. On application they will send to any reader an entry form on which......
Buses For Workmen.
Reporting to the motorbus committee of the Merthyr Corporation, Mr. D. F. Adey, the bus superintendent, expresses the opinion that buses suitable for ordinary service conditions......
Safety Couplings-for Trailers.
We learn from Berlin that, with the object of preventing accidents, the Union of German Trade Associations is organizing a competition for the best device for use as a coupling......
On Police Work Overseas.
The two pictures of the Morris vehicle which are shown on this page have recently been received from Malay and depict the type of vehicle used by the Perak police for rounding......