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Tyre Price Increases And The Users' Protest.
rrillE replies of the tyre manufacturers to the -Iprotest, recently made in our columns by an official of a prominent provincial bus company, against the two increases,......
French Industrial Vehicles And The Luxury Tax.
NDUSTRIAL vehicles sold in France are exempt from the ordinary tare de luxe which is levied on the purchase price of all passenger-carrying vehicles. The tax on a motorcar is 12......
Rate-cutting As A Bar To Progress.
JJ ESPITE all efforts on the part of associations of hauliers and those concerned in passenger transport, rate-cutting by competitors remains one of the most difficult problems......
The Human Factor In Vehicle Efficiency.
I T is human nature to throw the blame of rapid wear or breakdown of a vehicle on to its designer and maker, but there are very few instances indeed, nowadays, where they can be......