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T HE 15th Commercial Motor Show, which opens at Earls Court in three weeks' time. will again bear the ghostly label, For...
Few Continental rEvv . Continental operators Coaches Have Come I have taken advantage this to Britain . . . summer of the...
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u161-1ER pay for drivers and others I 'engaged in the road haulage industry is to be claimed by the Transport and General...
I NC R EASES in rates for various traffics are still the subject of negotiation as a result of the recommendation by the Road...
O NE of the models to be shown at Earls Court by Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., will be a Nippy 3-tonner powered by...
I N the 28 weeks ended July 16, British Road Services earned £31,804,000 and British Railways' road se r v ice s £4.900,000....
A RANGE of underfloor-engined single-deck passenger vehicles has been introduced by Guy Motors, Ltd.. Wolverhampton. A chassis...
T HE most important alterations to the Gardner range of oil engines since the introduction of the LW series in 1931, have been...
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1T is understood that the A.C.V. group 1 has produced two new underfloorengined passenger chassis to partner the A.E.C. Regal...
T HE Appeal Tribunal's decision in the Armstrong case does . hot absolve racehorse trainers, who seek to run horseboxes for...
N EW designs of bodywork have been evolved for next year by Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, and are...
E XPORTS and home supplies are not likely to be affected by the contract undertaken by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., to build...
P ERMISSION was granted by the West Midland Licensing Authority. last week, to Messrs J. W. Lloyd and Sons, Oswestry, to run a...
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A NEW hypoid-drive rear axle with art integral lubrication pump, has been designed by Kirkstall Forge. Ltd., Leeds, for use in...
MR. DONALD P. HILTON has been made a director of the Vigzol Oil Co., Ltd. Ma. W. F. McC:mv has been appointed chief designer...
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WHILST fare stritethreS totter all' VV over the conntrY under the influence of present-day conditions,' one • municipality,...
judgment on the applica tion of the British Transport Commission to raise road and rail fares in London, the Transport Tribunal...
S EVEN Isle of Wight removal contractors have published a joint disclaimer of . any connection with nationalized industry. In...
WE regret to record the death of MR. W O. E. WOOLLARD, of F. Perkins, Ltd. He joined the company in 1933. He was 52. Mn. E. H....
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Anderton Springs, Ltd., Bingley, has issued a data sheet describing its typ - .. 1,000 Circlips. A stretch of rubberized...
IT is believed that a new precedent I was set when the chief engineer of Autobuses Modernos, S.A., stipulated that the...
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THERE will be 250 exhibitors at thc 1 Public Works and Municipal Services Congress and Exhibition, to be held at Olympia,...
A HANDBILL showing how nationalization is bound to affect the public is being issued by the Booking Agents' Association; 2,...
P RICED at £3.1 10s., a new sparking, plog tester has beenproduced by Ruribakeri 'Electrical Products, Manch e ster; *hen' the...
A NEW battery-electric—the. Helecs 1-1 Intruder—will be shown at Earls Court by Hindle Smart and Co., Ltd., Merefield Works,...
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There she weaves by night and day A magic web with COIOUr gay. R ESERVATIONS and approximations continually have to be made...
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Although the Sparshatt tipping body of this Foden eight. wheeler has a capacity of 23i cubic yds. and can carry nearly 15 tons,...
E'OLLOWING requests from a I number of passenger-transport undertakings in London and elsewhere, Dudleys (Redditch), Ltd.,...
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A LTHOUGH there will be many vehicles with unconventionally positioned power units at Earls Court, probably the most unorthodox...
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T HE letter from Mr. T. D. Fitzgerald, published in your issue dated August 4, cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. First of...
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T HE V.H.F. radio operated by Manchester Transport Department is a good example of the use of twoway radio in the efficient...
O NE of the most difficult problems V./facing the Port of London Authority, and all the more so for being almost a daily one,...
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Schedules of Charges Should Always Allow For Some Deviation. Rigidity in Such a Structure Is More Likely, Than a Little...
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TELESCOPIC jib, enclosed geart% box and a minimum jacking height of 4 ins., are some of the features of the M.E. Universal...
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Comes Back T HE former Tilling-Stevens Express coach was noted in its time for straightforward design. good performance and...
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Oil Engine A N important newcomer to the Meadows range will be exhibited for the first time at the commercial motor show this...
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T HE useful work in a charge of hot gases is only partly used in the normal type of engine, some being thrown away with the...