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T.g.w.u. To Claim Higher Pay
u161-1ER pay for drivers and others I 'engaged in the road haulage industry is to be claimed by the Transport and General Workers' Union. The general executive council of......
Ministry Refuses General Rise
I NC R EASES in rates for various traffics are still the subject of negotiation as a result of the recommendation by the Road Haulage Association's rates committee that a......
Another New 3-ton Oiler
O NE of the models to be shown at Earls Court by Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., will be a Nippy 3-tonner powered by the maker's 4.14-litre oil engine which develops......
B.r.s. Earns £32 M.
I N the 28 weeks ended July 16, British Road Services earned £31,804,000 and British Railways' road se r v ice s £4.900,000. Revenue from the British Transport Commission's......
Guy Announces Underfloorengined Chassis
A RANGE of underfloor-engined single-deck passenger vehicles has been introduced by Guy Motors, Ltd.. Wolverhampton. A chassis will he exhibited on the maker's stand at the......
Gardner Engine Output Raised
T HE most important alterations to the Gardner range of oil engines since the introduction of the LW series in 1931, have been made by Norris. Henty and Gardner. Ltd........