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Fares Structures Crumble, But West Bromwich Stands Firm
WHILST fare stritethreS totter all' VV over the conntrY under the influence of present-day conditions,' one • municipality, West Bromwich, has promised that its bus undertaking—......
L.t.e. Granted 3.53 Per Cent... Increase
judgment on the applica tion of the British Transport Commission to raise road and rail fares in London, the Transport Tribunal has granted an increase of 3.53 per cent. on......
I.o.w. Removers' Disclaimer
S EVEN Isle of Wight removal contractors have published a joint disclaimer of . any connection with nationalized industry. In an advertisement in the "Isle of Wight County......
WE regret to record the death of MR. W O. E. WOOLLARD, of F. Perkins, Ltd. He joined the company in 1933. He was 52. Mn. E. H. GREENLY, who until 1947, when he retired, was......