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A REVISED basis for calculating vehicle excise duty on lorries is the main feature for the industry in Transport Minister...
IRITAIN has agreed a 24 per cent increase in bilateral haulage iermits for Italy next year, increasing the 8,500 journey quota...
RUMOURS of massive cuts Southern BRS' network we' quashed this week by compar managing director John Farrai who told CM that...
THE £80 a week driver's wage has broken out of the Yorkshin "golden triangle", following agreements in the Western area ant...
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NJ TEN days' time, on January 1, 981, the eight-hour driving day s with us. These are the new National iules which apply to...
COMMERCIAL vehices first registered after August 1, 1977 (Sregistration) must have a sealed and calibrated tachograph by...
FOR THE FIRST time the EEC Commission is proposing Common Market "incentives" to expand combined rail-road transport into an...
SCOTLAND: M8. Two-way traffic on eastbound carriageway for one and-a-half miles west of St James interchange, Paisley....
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I. LONDON Carriers Ltd driver who was dismissed after carrying an inauthorised passenger and deviating his route has been...
RITISH Road Services Ltd will e seeking a rate increase of bout ten per cent early in 1981. nnouncing this last week in 3ndon,...
THE SCOTTISH TRANSPOR Group's next chairman is an in dustrialist, William Stevenson At present Master of the Mer chant Company...
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The CPRE's Christopher Hall enounced the Report as "a disonest prospectus", and went n to say that he did not believe - iat any...
fHILE the industry has generally welcomed recommendations of e Armitage Report, there are few signs that many operators will...
THE Automobile Association would accept increases in lorry weights provided road safety and maintenance is not affected and...
THE National Union of Railway men sees the suggestions of th( Armitage Report, whi h wil allow "the setting loose f sups...
WELCOMING the Armitage Report as a thorough and careful review which "sweeps away the myths about the lorry", the British Road...
"reasonably happy" and it agrees wholeheartedly with a number of points mentioned in the document. Action areas, where...
Commenting on the conclusions of the Armitage Inquiry, the Association says it is in favour of lorry routeing.
He said BR was pleased to see that road track costs were included, and that it welcomed the comments on Section 8 grants.
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_OOKING through the Armitage Report, the noise recommendsions might cause the vehicle manufacturers to blink a bit — at least n...
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HE General Council of British (hipping hopes that the Govmment will quickly implement he new limits proposed by the ■ rm Rage...
MAJOR oil companies are not over-excited about the conclusions of the Armitage Inquiry though Shell told CM that many operators...
THE Confederation of B itish In dustry welcomes the rmitagi Report and hopes that he Gov ernment will act upon it. Sir...
THE National Freight Company anticipated much of the PrmitagE Inquiry's findings, but is concerned at the proposed £800 in...
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MERCEDES-BENZ' launch of the NG80 range of vehicles, all designed for 38 tonne gcw and above, was particularly timely for UK...
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ILASGOW District Council wants Transport Minister Norman owler to abolish Greater Glasgow PTE's monopoly of bus services rithin...
AN URGENT review of the prospects for zonal fares throughout London's public transport system has been called for by the...
)LVO International has won a second order for 300 Volvo B57 bus assis for deivery to the Punjab Urban Transport Corporation of...
NATIONAL Express is to allow holders of a validated International Student Identity card a special half price fares deal. In a...
THE Department of Transport is considering ending a concession which has allowed folding courier seats in coaches to escape the...
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We look back over the 48 comprehensive tests we carried out this year. Your guides are our team of testers Steve Gray, Bill...
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By Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI VHEN a driver's work schedule flexible and he is being hanged from one vehicle to nother, or...
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. ANKER OPERATORS are isually among that group of rehicle users which find it diffililt, if not impracticable, to carry payload...
‘FTER an evaluation period of wo years by the US forces in Europe, an order has now been laced with MAN for the supply A 456...
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who as pkanHumber Wareas running 750 health caused out five years eased to hear, dustry that he has served so well for 32...
ST ANSELrvl, soij of an Italian nobleman who b came Archibishop of Canterbu y in 1093, has given his name tO Sealink UK's...
IN THE House of Lords, Lord Houghton of Sowerby asked Her Majesty's Government "whether traffic congestion and pollution are...
food which is not in containers, observe absolute cleanliness as regards yourself and the inside of the vehicle. Do not smoke....
AT 21, Sandra Johnston, fc merly a journalist, must be oi of the youngest holders of a CE tificate of Professional Comp tence...
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In all, there's an astonishing 250 in the new GPR range, based on the central theme of the T-Series cab. Steve Gray takes an...
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w "The FTA is trying to give the impression that it is selective in order to counter the impression that the CPC exam is too...
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ALL OPERATORS need to hold a Certificate of Professional Competence — or have at least one of their staff pass the CPC...
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Sir Dan Pettit, looking forward to 1981 and beyond, says the transport industry's record offers the country a source of...