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Anti-amitage Men Whip Up Discontent
The CPRE's Christopher Hall enounced the Report as "a disonest prospectus", and went n to say that he did not believe - iat any Government will ever nplement all of the......
Weight And See Attitude
fHILE the industry has generally welcomed recommendations of e Armitage Report, there are few signs that many operators will ish to use heavier lorries. SPD Distribution told CM......
Ok Say Aa
THE Automobile Association would accept increases in lorry weights provided road safety and maintenance is not affected and that such increases are economically viable.......
Nur Warns Of Hay
THE National Union of Railway men sees the suggestions of th( Armitage Report, whi h wil allow "the setting loose f sups juggernauts to wreak h voc or our roads and lives" as......
Lony Mythunde
WELCOMING the Armitage Report as a thorough and careful review which "sweeps away the myths about the lorry", the British Road Federation said the Government must now press......
The Armitage Report Has Made The Association Of...
"reasonably happy" and it agrees wholeheartedly with a number of points mentioned in the document. Action areas, where operators and Government provide local financial......
The Association Of County Councils Says There Is...
Commenting on the conclusions of the Armitage Inquiry, the Association says it is in favour of lorry routeing.......
British Rail Is "quite Happy" With The Armitage Report, A...
He said BR was pleased to see that road track costs were included, and that it welcomed the comments on Section 8 grants.......