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Full Steam Ahead Call
HE General Council of British (hipping hopes that the Govmment will quickly implement he new limits proposed by the ■ rm Rage Inquiry. The Council says that most UK ontainer......
Armitage Wits Cool Reception From Oil Giants
MAJOR oil companies are not over-excited about the conclusions of the Armitage Inquiry though Shell told CM that many operators are already using vehicles designed to carry more......
Cbi Gre Ts The Hea Es
THE Confederation of B itish In dustry welcomes the rmitagi Report and hopes that he Gov ernment will act upon it. Sir Arthur's call fo highe gross vehicle weights a d largi......
More Tax Angers Nf
THE National Freight Company anticipated much of the PrmitagE Inquiry's findings, but is concerned at the proposed £800 in rease in vehicle excise duty and "does not agree with......