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C OM MERCIAL road Our Industry Now Has the Opportransport is one of the most helpful and li n _ !unity of Aiding Its...
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The New "Plastic " IN America, what is known System of Engineering as three-dimensional engin Draw;ng , . , eering drawing is...
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• Of attempts at a "closed shop" for taxis. That waiting queues at - railway termini and theatres still think that there are...
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• Forces Want More of Everything • and Less of Nothing A CCORDING to the Fighting Vehicles Division of the Ministry of Supply,...
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A FTER two days of hearing, .proceedings have been adjourned until January 31 in the application of Annis and Co., Ltd., Pump...
A PLAIN statement of the law affect- t" is ing pedestrian crossings, which is favourable to drivers, was made in the King's...
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MR. E. BRYAN, technical sales manager of Metal Sections, Ltd., is making a tour of Greece, Egypt, Israel, India, Pakistan and...
T HE action of the North Western, Licensing Authority in refusing to arant licences to Robertson Buckley and Co.. Lad., for...
A FTER February 1, about 50,000 vehicles will be operated by hauliers outside the 25-mile limit on permits granted by the Road...
A SECTIONAL committee, repre senting operators of more than 900 self-drive hire cars, has been set up by the National Taxi-car...
N EW records in mileage and traffic were established last year by the Birmingham and Mid:and Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. The...
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MATIONALIZATION of transport • 1 1 is continuing in various parts of India. A statutory state road transport corporation has...
W HAT he suggested as the real answer to complaints of a feeling of frustration among employees in Britain's nationalized...
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F OLLOWING the acquisition of Hicks Bros., Ltd., Braintree, by the . British Transport Commission, a lead in the fight against...
new material for use in engine gaskets of all types, is that it can be cut to shape by means of scissors. Known as Plexeal, it...
F ORTHCOMING meetings of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers are as follows:—February 6, lecture on bearings by P. P....
TRAMS could not long be tolerated, I said the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Mr. Victor Warren. in a broadcast last week. It would be...
H ULL Transport Committee has been informed that the transport undertaking will probably show a deficit of over £90,000 during...
rIESPITE a recent increase in trolley1-./ bus fares, Nottingham Transport Department fears an estimated deficit of £59,700 in...
stage-carriage services operated by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd, do not provide sufficient. revenue to pay for their...
• A I–i N appeal by D. and 0. Transport and Garages. Ltd., against a decision of the Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority,...
VOR the first time, the United States is to hold an International Trade Fair, which will take place in Chidago from August...
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I NCREASES in wages for certain milk transport workers have been negotiated by the Transport and General Workers' Union. The...
S OME of the intricacies of heavy haulage were explained by Mr, E. Bulgin, A.M.Inst.T., of Pickfords, Ltd., Birmingham, in a...
ik A ANUFACTURERS are increasiVlingly using specially produced films for instructional and sales purposes and recently the...
of W the Austin Loadstar, published on December 16, we are informed by the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., that it is now...
Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. has opened a new sub-depot at 65-67, Nelson Street, Aberdeen. An apprentice training...
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in name and nature By L J. COTTON, m.i.R.T.E. An 8-ft.-wide Left-handdrive Overseas Chassis of Exceptional Performance and...
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T HE Crossley coach chassis is now being made available with a fivespeed gearbox having an over-top ratio as an optional...
A MONG the claims made for a suggested new type of stairway for double deckers, are that it gives improved load distribution...
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T HE Belgian Salon de l'Autornobile is considered to be the shop window of the world, and it has not failed this year to...
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A Striking Combination By C. S. DUNBAR, M Inst.T. T HE establishment of United Welsh Services, Ltd., has produced an...
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VDIVIDUALITY in body design has often resolved itself into a question of unusual window design. This introduces an intrinsic...
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Distributor-type Injection Pumps and Open-type Nozzles Might be the Way to Lower First Costs T o improve the technical...
S TUDENTS of industrial .politics are is-)recommended to read a new book, " Nationalization in Practice," by John Lotighurst,...
wELL known for its portable YV electric hand tools, Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Pioneer Works, Banger Cane, Ealing, London, W.5,...
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rl A TOTAL of 380,000 cubic yds. of concrete and 'masonry will be used in building the new Claerwen Dam now . under...
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Political Commentary By JAN US A S the .appointed day approaches, it is surprising how little information is available...
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WE were delighted to read the letter from W. I,. " Woodward, in your issue dated December 2, wherein he questions the wisdom...
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Costs for Four Different Types of Vehicle are Assessed in This Article, Which also Shows What Can Reasonably be Earned. by Them...
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Mr. J. Foley Egginton on the Transport Act " TE the Commission, through its 1 Group and Depot officers, should go out for local...
Concern Expressed in Report to Minister of Transport O PERATORS, passengers and sociologists will find vital facts in the...