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Hicks Acquisition Stirs Opposition
F OLLOWING the acquisition of Hicks Bros., Ltd., Braintree, by the . British Transport Commission, a lead in the fight against nationalization in Essex is being given by Messrs.......
Make Your Own Gaskets A N Interesting Feature Of A
new material for use in engine gaskets of all types, is that it can be cut to shape by means of scissors. Known as Plexeal, it is built up of aluminium foil bonded together by a......
I.r.t.e. Meetings Next Month: Scottish Tour In May
F ORTHCOMING meetings of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers are as follows:—February 6, lecture on bearings by P. P. Love, B.Sc. (Hons.), Institution of Shipbuilders,......
Trolleybuses In The National Interest
TRAMS could not long be tolerated, I said the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Mr. Victor Warren. in a broadcast last week. It would be in the interests of national economy and defence,......
£90,000 Loss Next Year For Hull
H ULL Transport Committee has been informed that the transport undertaking will probably show a deficit of over £90,000 during the year ending March, 1951. The estimated loss......
Nottingham Faces 09,700 Loss
rIESPITE a recent increase in trolley1-./ bus fares, Nottingham Transport Department fears an estimated deficit of £59,700 in the year ending March 31. This forecast was given......
East Kent Takes The Rough With The Smooth Cifty-one Of...
stage-carriage services operated by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd, do not provide sufficient. revenue to pay for their operating costs, says Mr. R. P. ' Beddow. M.Inst.T.,......
Next Week's Appeals
• A I–i N appeal by D. and 0. Transport and Garages. Ltd., against a decision of the Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority, will be heard before the Appeal Tribunal at Halifax......
U.s. International Fair
VOR the first time, the United States is to hold an International Trade Fair, which will take place in Chidago from August 7-19. A third of the million square feet of space has......