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Milk Workers' Pay Up : Food Trade Bid
I NCREASES in wages for certain milk transport workers have been negotiated by the Transport and General Workers' Union. The agreement between the Union and the Milk Marketing......
Haulage At Its Most Difficult
S OME of the intricacies of heavy haulage were explained by Mr, E. Bulgin, A.M.Inst.T., of Pickfords, Ltd., Birmingham, in a talk to the January meeting of Liverpool branch of......
Making A Film?
ik A ANUFACTURERS are increasiVlingly using specially produced films for instructional and sales purposes and recently the British Engineers' Association and the British......
Safety Glass On Austin Loadstar Lynx Regard To Our...
of W the Austin Loadstar, published on December 16, we are informed by the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., that it is now supplying the curved safety glass for the cab of this......
In A Lin E Or Two
Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. has opened a new sub-depot at 65-67, Nelson Street, Aberdeen. An apprentice training scheme is to be introduced by Newcastle-on-Tyne......