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• The last operator of the truck involved in the Manchester bombing has described his experience as "horrendous". Josh Bates,...
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by Miles Brignall • Spalding-based Hargrave International has been bought by Turners (Soham) following weeks of rumours that it...
W hat were we saying last week a consulting with the industry be doing anything rash? It seems Transport Minister Steven Norris...
• Thousands of drivers of rigids currently pulling oneaxled trailers will be forbidden to do so from 1 January 1997. Under the...
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I 4 sive operators are just as likely to break the law as small firms and the Government should consider an amnesty to allow...
by Derren Hayes • Gables Group, the failed tipper and aggregate firm, ran up debts of nearly Om due to the recession and a...
• The Institute of Waste Management looks set to back down over plans to move its annual conference and exhibition from Torbay...
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by Lee Kimber • More than 400 hauliers in Yorkshire and the North-east risk losing their 0-licences by the end of July as the...
• More than 1,000 trucks will be travelling from all over the country to East Anglia at the end of the month to protest at...
• Leicester haulier Bromley Brothers and Sons (Kibworth) was given a final chance to put long-standing maintenance problems...
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by Karen Miles • Surprise weighings for lorries could start as soon as this autumn, says the Vehicle Inspectorate. A few...
• The Road Haulage Association is warning lorry drivers not to take their children with them during the school holidays if...
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by Miles Brignall • The Transport Select Committee is expected to call a halt to the Traffic Area Office closure plan until it...
reported URTU boss the Continent • Drivers should be forced to report all near accidents to the Vehicle Inspectorate or to...
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by Lee Kimber • The Highways Agency promised to minimise delays to hauliers last week after it was forced to admit to a House...
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by Bryan Jarvis ▪ CaterpilIer distributor H Leverton has bought a versatile Foden 3325 eightlegger powered by the latest...
• Pirelli is introducing a wider truck tyre for steer axle applications along with a low-profile on/off-road design. It has...
• East London Waste Authority has doubled its fleet with the arrival of 15 daycabbed Foden 3325 trucks for containerised waste...
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• A Birmingham skip hire company has two weeks to prove two of its vehicles are taxed and have current test certificates. If it...
• A Birmingham company has been given a severe warning by West Midland Deputy Traffic Commissioner Roger Seymour after he...
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• A truck with a defective tyre passed its annual test without the tyre being changed, a Leeds disciplinary inquiry heard. The...
• A Lancashire haulier who was said to have tried to do too much himself has been ordered to pay £1,600 in fines and costs for...
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T orbay has hosted its last annual Institute of Wastes Management exhibition and conference—next year the event shifts to...
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by Brian Weatherley • Keeping ERF alive, let alone independent, hasn't been easy. Ask chairman Peter Foden about the recession...
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storms. He kicked up one walking 100ktn across Israel's Judean Desert, raising more than £4,000 for Scope, the charity which...
A Cumbrian cheese producer risked the loss of a 60-tonne delivery because of faulty weighing equipment at Newhaven. Three...
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D or vehicle buffs keen to personalise clothing or other accessories with the name of their favourite CV conies Hot Marques,...
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I would like to make a couple of comments on your recent Legal Bulletin (CM 30 May-5 June). Reference was made to financial...
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ROUGI W hen they're working on the seating plan for the Marketing Hall of Fame, we predict that the guys behind the seemingly...
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means a fully synchronised, pneumatic-shift range-change G10 gearbox with four forward gears in high and low ranges with a...
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be made across the implement attachment points. The front and rear of the vehicle can be fitted with four, two-point...
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The 0M364 LA engine puts an enormous amount of torque at the driver's disposal—it will lug down to below 600rpm before...
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I t's refreshing to meet a truck operator who has nothing but praise for his principal client. Working out of a site at...
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I t's a familiar problem. You run a haulage operation that has to access narrow lanes, building sites or awkward terrain to...
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B ritain s reefer building market has a new kid on the block. Any day now operators in the business of shifting foodstuffs and...
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6 I have been a lorry driver for some time and travel the length and breadth of Britain. I find the traffic reports given on...
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Hiring an employee is a bit of a leap in the dark. You will be trusting that employee with your property, your customers and...