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O N May 26 the electors of this country will be given an opportunity of deciding what is to be the future and possible fate of...
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D ESPITE everything that can be done to prevent accidents on the road, it is practically certain that there will always be a...
How Many People Drive? INTERESTING figures as to driving licences were I given recently by Mr. Boyd-Carpenter. They were in...
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That the Public Transport Association conference was the best ordered in respect of time-keeping and attendance at meetings...
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IF the Socialists are returned to power at the General Election next A week, they will bring C licensees under strict control...
A NOTTINGHAM haulier with a an. fleet of 33 lorries who, six months ago, was warned about the condition of his vehicles, was on...
LIMY-ONE per cent, of the shares of I United Carriers. Ltd., the successors to the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., were held...
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THE attitude of the Road Haulage Association towards the General I Election is one of "wait and see." The Association are...
T HIRTY PER CENT.`of the vehicles in the special Scottish list Sc.3 have been sold. Final results are as follows: Sold, 6 units...
allowed to operate a service which was " only a little better than one already provided," it would result in wasteful...
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Men in the News MR. A. A. I. HUDKM has become stores controller-buyer of Holmes (Preston), Ltd. MR, J. W. ETHERINGTON, a...
TURN-ROUND of ships laden with 1 animal feeding stuffs at. Avonmouth was delayed because of a lack of road transport, the...
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O N the ground that the applicants were changing the nature of their business, the Northern Licensing Authority on Tuesday...
T HE Minister of Transport has allowed an appeal by Sharpe Bros. (Beighton), Ltd., against a decision of the Yorkshire...
A GENERAL speed limit of 30 m.p.h. is to be imposed on restricted roads under the Northern Ireland Road Traffic Bill, which...
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A N order for 125 Royal Tiger Worldr - L master buses has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by New South Wales Transport...
A NEWCOMER to. the ranks of 1 - t trailer makers is Scotiorn, Ltd., Victor Works, Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey. Trailers...
A MOBILE shop specially designed rt for use in the greengrocery trade has been produced by Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd.,...
The Persian Government have authorized a £30m. road modernization programme. Birmingham City Police have banned the use of...
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THE Northern Licensing Authority has authorized Durham District Services, Ltd., and Mr. J. K. Hunter, of Seaton Delaval, to...
S EVENTEEN Commuter stand-drive dairy trucks have been ordered from Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne, by two...
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D ESPUTE last summer's bad weather, nearly 2m. more passengers were carried by the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., during 1954...
-nEN A IONALIZATION was the worst act of the Conservative Government, said Mr. P. •McGarry in his presidential address at the...
operators in Ceylon have decided to replace double-deckers with singledeck 64-passenger types. Now that Colombo Municipal...
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" I WANT you to understand that we are beginning to lose patience with these applications: I do not understand this nonsense,"...
A PLEA for the raising of the 20 m.p.h. limit on heavy goods vehicles is contained in a message sent to every Parliamentary...
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Says John Barber Director, Victory Transport Ltd. Let B.R.S. Run Regular Trunk Services and, if Necessary, the Parcels...
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One-piece Plastic Cab and Bristol HG-type Mechanical Components are Features of a 24-ton Tractor-semi-trailer Outfit T HE...
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Should Removers Have • Set Price Schedule? S HOULD members of the National Association of Furniture Ware. housemen and...
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Rail Expansion Plan Welcomed T HE importance of the British Railways programme of expansion and its effect on road-rail...
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THIRTY per cent , of all lorries I should have bigger windows in the cab rear panels. This is one of the conclusions reached...
'THE British School of Motoring has I been appointed by the War Office to train approximately 1,000 National Servicemen based...
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Part Chesterfield the Hub by C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. Corporation Serves Double Chestetfield's Population : Many Colliery and...
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A REFUSE-COLLECTION body possessing unusual features has been produced by Liverpool Corporation's city engineer and the...
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Tilting at Propeller Haulage MAY I add a few comments on the question of the ivi propeller which was tilted for haulage? I...
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By W. F in S UOMI, as the Finns call their native land, has made a truly remarkable recovery since 1944; a recovery which was...
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A Penny Whistle A N election manifesto is expected to be crammed with promises, and both the Conservatives and the Socialists...
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Peterborough Haulier Adds Another 23 Lorries to Earlier Purchases : More Vehicles Sold in Eight Areas S EVEN more list 9 units...
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N 'ppoiotments and promotions have been made by the British Motor Corporation to create closer co-ordination of activities of...
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A DESIGN for a cylinder-head which is claimed to permit a higher compression ratio to be usefully used, is disclosed in patent...