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We have, as an example of this, a that interesting type of machine, the mechanical horse, designed to utilize the original...
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the most modern 'types of engine. It is a trouble for which it is difficult to find a reason, and is caused, apparently, by the...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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assistant general manager of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham. He is on the Council of the S.M.M. and T., and a member...
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SuoantrAm Urban District Council is to obtain tenders for a new fire-engine costing about £1,500. The borough surveyor of...
Cardiff Corporation is to try out an oil-engined bus. Dundee Corporation is considering replacing further tram routes by...
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DENNIS LANCE F EW more exacting tasks fall to the lot of a chassis than that of being the basis of a double-deck bus operating...
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Oil Engine Improved S INCE the first form of oil engine was produced by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., great strides have...
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with automatic clutch W E are able, this week, exclu sively to announce a new Trojan 12-cwt. van, having a three-speed...
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EED declared policy of the Asso ciated Equipment Co., Ltd., Southall, Middlesex, to utilize interchangeable power units and, so...
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Introduces a DOUBLE-DECK Bus F OR a considerable time now the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Brislington, Bristol,...
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I N July of this year Fowler lorries made their debut at agricultural shows at Edinburgh and Warwick. As was expected, they...
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A T the Commercial Motor Show at il_Olympia next month Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford, will display an articulated...
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design and workmanship of the engines produced by W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Stafford, is implied when we announce that the...
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PAGEFIELD PLANTAGENET A New Rigid Six-wheeler with a Gardner Oil Engine, Three Differentials, Adjustable Servo Operation for...
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F ROM its inauguration the Gifford Motor Co., Ltd., has been a pioneer in the development of passenger chassis, and it was...
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In Addition to Well-tried Models Which Have Been Improved in Detail, Several New Chassis are Being Marketed in the Forthcoming...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3545] Sir,—For the purpose of testing out a British oil engine on the Continent quite...
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A MOST important point in connec 21. with the new Sentinel 10-12ton shaft-driven six-wheeler, known as the S.D.6, is that the...
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T HE chain-driven Trader Six 7-8-ton chassis with the front axle set back, which was produced by the Peerless Trading Co....
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A LTHOUGH the number of makes of car on view is smaller than in previous years, the Olympia Motor Show, which opened last...
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New Types of Power Unit Supplied with Four or Six Cylinders—Air Cells and Flame Plates Promote Turbulence N EXT month's...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Some of the Extra Expenses the Existence of Which is Often Overlooked by Lessexperienced Hauliers T HE...
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of Passenger Transport THE COMMISSIONERS' FORTHCOMING PUBLIC SITTINGS Details Extracted frcnn the Gazettes Published by Area...
The Question of One-man Buses. THE Plymouth Corporation transport manager has reported that, norwithstanding.the appeal to the...
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Improved Six-wheeler Conversion Unit—a Model with Eight Points of Frame Support. New Tipping Gear and For Conversion rnHE...