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Evidence to justify heavier trucks from makers and from exclusive CM test by CM reporter PRESSURE on the Government to make a...
in the current inflationary climate, Lord Stokes told Leyland shareholders in London on Monday. Lord Stokes, who revealed he...
and Tom Cronin last week for an end to the picketing by dockers — and counter-picketing by lorry drivers — Tilbury, Royal and...
BRIGHTON Council is starting negotiations which may result in its taking over control of the city's bus services, currently run...
JAPANESE Hino trucks, assembled in Eire, are now available in the UK through John McAnulty, a Northern Ireland :ruck dealer of...
ABOUT 15 lorry drivers employed at London's Billingsgate fish market were expected to be charged this week following a swoop by...
CM's circulation in 197 was the highest evi recorded by the journa which remains firmly th market leader amon road transport...
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from our Brussels correspondent PLANS to revive the recently scrapped Channel Tunnel project were approved by the European...
Freight Corporation to Iran leaves London for Tehran tomorrow. The fiveman team — organized jointly with the British Transport...
the Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool, between April 19 and 21, may be cancelled. Last week a receiver was appointed at the...
ARE THOSE who advocate restrictions on the movement of freight prepared to face the consequences? This was the question posed...
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A TRANSPORT election manifesto was suggested last week for the Conservative Party's new leader Mrs Margaret Thatcher by Mr H...
A SPOKESMAN for the DoE told CM this week that it would take a "sympathetic" line on possibly exempting van drivers from the...
DEALERS for Chrysler UK are offering hire purchase rates of 91/4 per cent compared with the normal average market rate of 16...
H ow much longer can a Government which is campaigning for fuel savings refrain from taking the much-needed decision to...
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['HE GREEN PAPER conaining the proposed new -lighway Code (CM' Jan 31) vhich was circulated to nterested parties for :omment,...
)RAFT regulations on the ;onveyance by road of nflammable and corrosive iquids, which may become aw this year, would con:ribute...
4 f 300,000 commercial vehicle service depot was Dpened last week in Hedon Road, Hull, by Lex Tillotson. The depot has Leyland...
THE Scottish Materials Handling Exhibition will be held this year in Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from May 19 to 24. The organizer is...
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THE 38-tonne (37.4 ton) vehicle should be made legal in Britain as soon as possible — but with an extra axle. This was the view...
A MIDDLESBROUGH lorry driver, Mr R. Collins, 16 Deepdale Avenue, Grangetown, was granted a provisional heavy goods vehicle...
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BRITISH hauliers are, on the whole, a fairly well disciplined lot, but overloading is dangerous and must be eliminated, Mr...
HEAVY LORRIES with traffic originating outside National Parks, and destination outside, should not use routes through them,...
for the past seven years distribution director of RHM Foods — has been appointed chief executive of Tibbett and Britten Ltd,...
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reported by Gordon Murray WAYS and means of carrying chemicals more safely were the dominant theme at the first-ever...
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OVERLOADING of goods vehicles had to be stopped and many operators were not taking every possible step to prevent the...
FHE BREAKDOWN in the Tansport of the wreck of Mr fed Heath's ill-fated Mornng Cloud yacht cost both the iriver and his company...
THE LICENCES held by the Yorkshire Traction Co Ltd should be revoked and its service commitments handed over to the West...
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kILSA has sold the full proJuction for 1975 of its Jouble-decker, a company ipokesman told CM this Neek. Nearly 200 vehicles...
"HE new system of financing ransport in the counties hrough • Transport Policies Ind Programmes (TPPs) will . esult in a...
k MOVE by the Greater .ondon Council to erect )ermanent barriers between )us-only lanes and other raffic travelling in the same...
A DECISION by North Yorkshire County Council to ban psv on a one in three gradient road at Rosedale is forcing a local...
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A MODIFIED dial-a-bus system in which vehicles are selected by a central computer to answer calls from passengers waiting at...
BOTH Crosville Motor Services Ltd, of Wrexham, and Ribble Motor Services Ltd, of Preston, have had applications approved which...
Mrs Audrey Wise (Labour, Coventry South West) wondered in the Commons last week whether the Prime Minister was satisfied with...
WITHOUT a revision in bus fares, Crosville Motor Services Ltd, of Wrexham, would have been faced with a deficit of around £2m...
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ALMOST 20 per cent of car trips would be transferred to public transport if weekly car mileage was restricted by petrol...
CONCERN about the amount of financial support likely to be available to bus operators from local authorities under the Local...
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SEVEN 12m (40ft) refriger3ted vans built by Freight 3onallack Ltd, of Norwich, lave just been put into 3ervice by Associated...
A SINGLE-AXLE semi-trailer has been fitted out internally as a mobile exhibition unit by Contact (Bournemouth) Ltd, to display...
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LEGISLATION such as the Dykes Act, by leaving London out of the reckoning, suggests pretty strongly that its problems are...
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maximum permitted gross combination weight in the UK to be raised from 32 tons to 38, to increase productivity and to enable...
By Graham Montgomerie Pictures by Dick Ross SINCE its introduction to the UK market in 1967 the F88 Volvo has won a reputation...
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An artic compared at 32 and 38 tons gcw IN CONSIDERING the operation of a 38-ton-capacity unit of this type even at the...
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F you have to cut the fleet, look before you aap. The right decision can be a great help in lifficult times by Johnny Johnson...
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Integrating public services in Norway by Bill Godwin WHEN the energy crisis first made itself felt in the autumn of 1973 the...
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George Wilmot explains the EEC directive and assesses what it will mean for staffs in the road passenger transport industry...
Having read the interesting article by John Darker in your January 31 issue, I should like to comment upon some important...
Although the caption below the picture of Speedway Freightway's new Saviem in your January 31 issue makes it clear that the...
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ROAD TEST ANI OPERATIONAL TRIAL 4/75 )y Trevor Longcroft, photographs by Harry Roberts LMOST A YEAR ago I tested a dagirus...
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"Contributions" to dockers' tea funds in order to get a load shifted quickly are no new thing, but now it seems the men at one...
The day of Big Brother and telescreens may not be so far away after all — in fact, to a certain extent it is with us now. For...
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will my existing insurance premium cover this or will I have to buy an extra premium to cover the trailer? Is the value of the...
husiness and one of these involves :'hanging the preventive maintenance 7hecks and repair of anv vehicles to a iillerent garage...
2 tons 9 cwt and the road tax is calculated on that weight. If I add a demountable container to carry livestock, which. will...
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by John Darker AMBIM PRIVATE employment agencies have been so much a part of the labour market in the past decade that it is...
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by Les Oldridge TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE IN ADDITION to all the law which controls vehicles remaining stationary on roads which...
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32-ton artic unit with aluminium trailer is compared with average unit as represented by figures in CM Cost Tables IGNIFICANT...
NDAY Feb 24. CIT (Berks, & Oxon) - The design and ;truction of ferries" by A. J. an. Western Tower, Station Reading, Berks....
A. Garn (Machins Transport (Surfleet) Ltd) has been elected Boston sub-area chairman of the East Midland area of the Road...