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S AFETY and speed in loading and unloading are important problems associai.ed with the large-capacity double-deck bus. In the...
A LL operators engaged in multiple deliveries, as well as man ufacturers of vehicles designed for this work, can gain much from...
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Harry Smith HE citizens of Birmingham are, perhaps, more fortunate than they realize in having as general manager of the...
QINCE the early days of licensing, the name of Mr. H. Backhouse has consistently appeared in reports of hearings, particularly...
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D RAFT regulations concerning the brakes of vehicles and trailers were adopted by an international working party on the...
A RING motorway around the centre of London, which could be built almost entirely above or by the side of existing railways,...
A THIRD scheme for the collection of milk from farms in bulk has been arranged by the Milk Marketing Board. Next October,...
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A N application by Messrs. Siddle C. Cook, Consett, County Durham, to add 12 articulated vehicles to an A licence was refused...
TRAFFIC arrangements for London on I May 6, the date of Princess Margaret's wedding, were made known on Tuesday by the...
A LONDON haulier told Mr. D. I. R. 1-1 4 Muir, Metropolitan Licensing Authority, in London, on Tuesday, that he had been forced...
1-3 . A LAR MED by the Easter roadcasualty figures, which are expected to total about 100 killed and 4,000 injured, M,P.s will...
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MR. W. F. FRENCH, who has been chairman of P.S.V. Operators, Ltd., since the company's inception in 1932, has resigned....
P ROPOSALS to impose loading and unloading bans on commercial vehicles in the centre of Folkestone, have been dropped by the...
rHAIRMAN of the Metropolitan and 1 .-0 South Eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association for 1960-61 is Mr. P. H. R. Turner...
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A CONCRETE-MAKING concern is looking forward to the busy summer season with alarm" because of the lack of haulage. This was...
W TH the object of linking two existing services to establish through facilities, Central S.M.T. successfully applied to...
R ENEWING a licence at Carlisle, last week, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, rebuked the applicant, Mr. Tom...
T HE special advisory group on the British Transport Commission will welcome written representations from interested parties....
April 26-29.—Institute of Transport congress, London. April U.—Institute of . Transport annual dinner, Dorchester Hotel,...
HAULIERS using the Windermere I ferry this summer should find the service much improved following the conversion of the cable...
A S expected, the normal-control Morris-Commercial LC.5 30-cwt., which went out of production last January, has been replaced...
I N addition to increasing some ordinary bus fares Middlesbrough Transport Committee has recommended that charges for school...
m osT of the increased cost to Wolverhampton Transport Department represented by wage increases and shorter working hours will...
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A N application for two tours to Ayr. starting from East Kilbride and Burnbank, Hamilton, for people who wished a day at the...
A PROPOSAL by Bristol Co-operative / - 1. Society, Ltd., to run a weekly express service on Saturdays throughout the summer to...
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A DROP of about 1 per cent. in stagecarriage loadings last year was reported by Mr. W. T. James, chairman of the Northern...
PA A PROFIT of £200,000 which was earned by Birmingham Transport Department during the financial year ended March 31, will be...
ri A COACH company who hired a vehicle to a branch of tie British Legion, to take people to a tombola evening being run in aid...
T TRIPS to Paris by the coach-air service of Skyways, .Ltd., during the Easter holiday period reached a new peak. Heaviest...
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Road Car Co., Ltd., for ' the limitation of the vehicle allowance of Hartles Tours, Ltd., Buxton, was that the public in that...
A CORPORATION proposal to set I -1 back a building line some 15 ft. would prevent the entry of lorries to the premises of C. J....
THERE will be three additional rounds of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, making a total of 15. A new centre has been...
Q BJECTIONS by Messrs. J. Laurie and Co., Hamilton, Lanarks, who stated that a proposed service from East Kilbride to Glasgow...
T HE road transport section of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce have failed to obtain financial rebates for hauliers and...