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Alarm Over Lack Of Haulage
A CONCRETE-MAKING concern is looking forward to the busy summer season with alarm" because of the lack of haulage. This was said last week by Mr. Joseph Harrison, director of......
Through Facilities Established
W TH the object of linking two existing services to establish through facilities, Central S.M.T. successfully applied to operate a stage service between Hamilton (Fairhill) and......
Kept No Records In 20 Years
R ENEWING a licence at Carlisle, last week, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, rebuked the applicant, Mr. Tom Sim, of Walton, for failing to keep drivers'......
Representations Sought
T HE special advisory group on the British Transport Commission will welcome written representations from interested parties. The group, which held its first meeting last week,......
Forthcoming Events
April 26-29.—Institute of Transport congress, London. April U.—Institute of . Transport annual dinner, Dorchester Hotel, London, W.I. May 2.--Traders' Road Transport Association......
Windermere Ferry Now Diesel
HAULIERS using the Windermere I ferry this summer should find the service much improved following the conversion of the cable ferry " Drake " from steam to diesel oropulsion by......
New Morris 1-ton Chassis
A S expected, the normal-control Morris-Commercial LC.5 30-cwt., which went out of production last January, has been replaced by a forwardcontrol vehicle of similar payload......
All-round Rise At Middlesbrough
I N addition to increasing some ordinary bus fares Middlesbrough Transport Committee has recommended that charges for school buses be increased by 6d. per mile. Other increases......
Fares Must Go Up
m osT of the increased cost to Wolverhampton Transport Department represented by wage increases and shorter working hours will have to he met by higher fares, the transport......