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Mi T HEREVER one goes in this Commercial Vehicle Exhibition of 1927 one hears the remark that it is the finest display of...
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CANE of the most striking developments in the â.../commercial vehicle field of recent years has been the widespread adoption...
A USEFUL suggestion has been madeâand it comes from a man who had been associated with the steam vehicle industry for many...
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Of no witness at the Show to the return of the horse. That Government economy is to be more than a stunt. That steam-wagon...
" Your worship," said the defendant, "I did try to warn him, but the hooter wouldn't work I " But why didn't you slow down...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed kir all difficulties of transport at whatever OaineS arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Erith Urban Diatrict Council is inviting quotations for the supply of a motor ambulance. The tramways committee of the...
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The Glencoe Road Controversy. Traffic-control Signalling Systems, London's Roundabouts and One-way Streets. The Inspection of...
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A Detailed Description of an Entirely New Maudslay Chassis in Which an Unusual but Very Ingenious Power Unit has been...
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A Review of the Progress Made in the Detail Construction of Motorbuses and Motor Coaches. TNITIIING the past two decades, the...
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A Good Servant of Transport which is Now in Need of Encouragement and a Helping Hand. riltiai attitude of the public towards...
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1 TARIOUS types of rotary plough V have been devised from time to time, but none has been successful in producing the necessary...
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The Commercial Motor. Industry has awaited with interest the Production of the Practicable Diesel Engine for Road Vehicles. An...
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Should the Front Springs be Shackled at the Front End or at the Rear ? Some Arguments For and Against. T HE front springs of a...
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Encouraging Remarks from the Minister of Transport. The Optimism of a Distinguished Gathering. (AN Thursday last a luncheon...
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The Chassis and Bodywork of the 1928 Models Show That Nothing is Considered Too Good for the Commercial Motor. MHE designers...
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A LIMON commercial vehicles have for many years been noted for their durability and longevity, and a fine range of models is...
O NE of the most striking exhibits at Lithe Show is undoubtedly the new tractor shown by Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., which...
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C ERTAINLY the most striking exhibit staged QR this stand is the . model 802 six-wheeled double-deck kis with covered top and...
P ROMINENT amongst the Austin exhibits are two Austin Twenty ambulances, one coachbuilt and painted and providing accommodation...
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C ATNRING only for the transport of_ heavy and bulky goods, this stand should make a special appeal to irewers, flour millers,...
N O fewer than seven vehicles are staged on this stand. The chief item of interest, of course, is the new six-cyliudered...
parts the unit is capable of maintaining high revolution speeds without undue vibration. Visitors to the stand should study...
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rILEARLY. the most interesting exkJ hibit on this stand is the new 10ton six-wheeled heavy-duty chassis which, mounted on...
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MWO 'taxicabs of the familiar Scot1. land Yard type, together with a 15-cwt. Beardmore van, constitute the exhibit displayed by...
A LTHOUGH the appearance of the Bristol vehicles is somewhat striking, the design has been dictated by experience gained in...
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F ills stand is of chief interest to concerns engaged in transport work t connection with heavy, balky goods. 'he largest...
pHERE are not many concerns in _L. the industry whose activities cover both the private car and commercial vehicle sides. It...
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REAT interest is being displayed in a new range of Commer chassis, which is making its first appearance, and includes a...
A PARTICULARLY interesting type of tractor is shown by this well-known French concern, and 5t embodies a system which is...
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MWO steam-vehicle products are staged here, the new overty - pe 6-7tanner and the well-known Clayton undertype. It is...
O F considerable interest amongst the three exhibits of this ⢠maker is the Crossley medium-type rigid six-wheeler, which is...
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. A MOST remarkable six-wheeler is staged on this stand. The construction of the bogie is so arranged that the drive can be...
A WIDE range of vehicles is shown on this stand, ranging from a 3035-cwt. chassis to a recently introduced 20-seater...
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O NLY two vehicles are exhibited on this stand, onea 55-Passenger double-deck six-wheeled electric trolleybus and the other an...
A COMPREHENSIVE exhibit of the produCts_. of General Motors, Ltd., is on view on this stand. G.M.C. models are' of particular...
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T HE Gilford is a particularly nicelooking chassis, and when equipped with a well-built body of good lines the complete vehicle...
OO NE of the most popular foreign on the British market is the Dodge Brothers 15-cwt., which in future will be known as the...
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A s is only fitting in the exhibit of a. concern which has done so much to further the cause of the six-wheeler, no fewer than...
ATUCH interest is being taken in the _LVJL new Halley rigid six-wheeled, low' loading, passenger chassis, which is equipped...
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IWO very fine International six. cylinder passenger chassis are shown this stand, each carrying a singleck saloon body built by...
TIEW makers could possibly display _12 such a comprehensive exhibit as that to be found on the Karrier stand, which, on this...
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O 1 , OUTSTANDING interest on this stand is naturally the new Omicron chassis, which is here displayed for the first time in...
C OMMERCIAL users interested in agricultural work will find plenty to interest them on this stand, as there are several chassis...
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T HERE are several' models which have not previously been exhibited on the Laftly stand, tone being the new model TB. road...
T HE Leyland exhibit is most attractive, both in appearance and in the products displayed, of which, in our opinion, the most...
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aNE of the most successful conversion sets for. altering an ordinary ir-wheeler into a rigid six-wheeler mble of carrying much...
11g.E centre of interest on this stand _ is, of course, the new 45-100 h.p. s-cylindered s chassis, which is a re [trkably...
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A VERY smart exhibit on this stand is the half-ton van as supplied to the General Post Office finished in the usual, shade of...
O NE of the greatest attractions in the Exhibition is the Diesel-engined Mercedes-Bens 5-tonner, which is shown in chassis...
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A LTHOUGH the 25-cwt. Overland is ..tia comparatively small vehicle, it is, nevertheless, fitted with a substantial gilled tube...
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AN interesting Pagefield model on it this stand, which has only recently been introduced, is a 32-seater bus with n low...
MO the technically minded the chief feature of interest on this stand is the Il'ansome six-wheeled electric trolley- . bus...
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MEM old-establisd concern of Paul_ hard-Levasser is showing three productions, each in chassis form, then being a 21-tonner...
N TOTED for the very fine and smooth road performance of the passenger vehicles, this exhibit should be of outstanding interest...
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A NY' interested in very light transport will find plenty to examine in the exhibits on this stand, for several examples of the...
A S usual. the Renault concern is showing a wide range of its commercial-vehicle products, there being altogether nine on view....
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T HERE is no doubt in the minds of its users and in those of many designers that the Saurer chassis in its various forms is one...
passenger and load-carrying chassis are staged on this stand, the former being represented by a 20-seater low-loading coach,...
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FULL range of Scammell products L is shown on this stand, including a i00-gallon frameless milk tanker and rigid six-wheeler,...
3ERHAPS the most interesting ex, hibit on the Studebaker stand is the x-cylinder Model 75 chassis, which is Le latest...
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C LAIMS of economical running and maintenance costs are made for the new six-wheeled models, which are shown in two formsâas...
A LMOST all types of vehicle are shown on this stand, ranging from a 12-16 h.p. taxicab to a 25-35 h.p. 3ton chassis. All the...
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Thp ROMINENT amongst . the fine ex hibits of thia Well-known company is the new type A6 passenger chassis, designed for...
COTE of the most interesting of the k_sw exhibits staged by this well-known company is the new 3-ten runabout, in which small...
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T HIS concern is showing a new and very interesting chassis in the shape of a six-wheeled petrol-electric modelâ the only one...
O NE of the most interesting exhibits at Olympia is the new W. and G.M.A.B.-type ambulance, which is shown on this stand in two...
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T HERE are two exhibits on th j s. stand, these being a chassis of the W.G.-type steam wagon which will be seen for the first...
TN this year's Show the great ma jority of the best-known manufacturers of rubber tyres are each making an exhibit of no...
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An Impressive Display of the Highest Quality Coachwork. T " quality of the bodywork shown at Olympia two years ago was of a...
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A Wide Range of Small-capacity Machines Staged by Twelve Makers in a Collective Exhibit. -9 LEVEN manufacturers are included U...
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Brief Particulars of some of the Tools and Appliances which are on View and which are' of Value to the Repairer and the...
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The Benefit it Confers on the Community and the Economy it can Effect in Municipal Ex penditure. RIOR to the outbreak of war,...
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An Important Congress and Exhibition Which Has Gained the Support of the Local Authorities. rri HE fourth Public Works, Road...
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Whether it be Preferable to Charge According to Mileage or Time, With the A...alogy of the Taxicab Rate of Hire. -NA T HEN...
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The Axles of a Six-wheeler. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2644] Sir,-Permit me to suggest names for the second back axle...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T "automatic variable gear still occupies the attention of inventors,...