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CCORDING to reports that have been made to us and to which we referred last week, the majority opinion of the exhibitors, given...
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M ANY visitors to the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court, including not a few in the industry itself, were surprised at the...
Beet Hauled for iOd. WHILE S.T.R. was in con a Ton by Camel in "versation with Mr . Persia G. F. N. Battle, an executive...
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Raises Vital Question T HE suggestion that many contract A licences held for a long time may have been improperly held was...
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R EFERENCE was made by "The Commercial Motor" early this year to the Wye Valley weekly tours which were then being organized by...
MR. K. F. TARRANT. who was for 13 years with Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., has joined Union Tyre Supplies (Great...
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N EW research efforts aiming at improvement of brake-facing performance and life were mentioned by Mr. W. E. Shilton, sales and...
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in Stoke-on-Trent last weekend. members of the Institute of Traffic Administration heard a series of addresses on tyre...
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ErSINESS friends and representatives L./of the Brockhouse group from all over the country were present on Thursday of last...
a perma nent Road Safety Training Centre and Exhibition will be opened by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents at...
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The Mechanical Way By J. D. McLintock A MID an array of longstried. reputable products of tippinggear manufacturers, two...
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W HEN a vehicle is difficult to control,' the driver becomes tired and prone to accident, and it is an interesting fact that...
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Exclusive Messages to "The Commercial Motor" By Viscount Nuffield, Chairman, The Nuffield Organisation NAY most vivid...
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WAS interested ;n the letter from Mr. D. Seigne and -I your reply thereto regarding the term " S.O.S." in reference to a...
THE letter from Mr. J. L. G. Brewster, published in I your issue dated August 13, raises certain points that call for comment....
'THERE is another aspect to the matter which 'THERE J. Lewis, of Bolton, raises in his letter published in the issue of " The...
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letter I appeared in your issue dated August 27 seems to have based his objections to tramways on standards at least 40 years...
think it hardly likely that such modern tramway systems as those in Blackpool, Leeds and Sheffield are retained merely from...
at frequent intervals I recently in my capacity as a traveller by coach, I believe that a real need exists for better...
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Minimum Charges for Haulage I T is fitting to consolidate what has been done in the two previous articles in this series by...
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Praises Bus Drivers New Road Safety Committee Set Up as Permanent Body of Ministry of Transport. Neglect of Highway Code...
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Reasons Why the Number of Ancillary Users' Vehicles is Increasing A - CONVINCING defence of the trader's right to carry his...
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Application by A. Pannell, Ltd., Covering Long-used Bases, Granted by Metropolitan Authority L AST Friday, Brig, R. J. 0....
O NE of the main objects of the British Transport Commission would be to formulate road and rail charges schemes that would...