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• This week Commercial Motor is a catalogue of fear and hope in fairly equal measures. The fear? How the Tory Government's...
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Department of Transport for the new red (priority) routes in London. Implementation starts in 1994. Protest accepted • A...
12y Nicky Clarke • Hundreds of coal hauliers were left reeling this week with their livelihoods in the balance after the...
• Investigations are continuing this week into the "inefficiencies" of a traffic examiner who is being studied for his role in...
• The thousands of hours hauliers waste in motorway traffic jams could be saved by better government planning, more information...
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• HM Customs & Excise is preparing a freight charter for hauliers which will provide them with a written undertaking that they...
la Karen Miles • Confidence is rising that hard-pressed container hauliers could receive a rates boost if shipping lines are...
• The Birmingham Motor Show opens to the public on Saturday without heavy commercial vehicles but tentative plans are being...
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• Road transport costs would rise by 2.36% and employment in the industry drop by 3.6% if the EC goes ahead with its plan for a...
12y Gail Ashton • Two separate police crackdowns on dangerous vehicles have found an alarming number of vehicles being driven...
• A financial rescue package for Daf Trucks in the form of a minority shareholding by Mercedes-Benz would be blocked under EC...
• Lorry tax ation, cabotage and the EC's plans for trans port infrastruc ture will dominate the EC transport ministers' agenda...
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• CM got the chance this week to sample Leyland Daf's all-new socially acceptable" 75 and 85 Series truck ranges, which were...
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'Ii c shifts it easily • There's a new facial expression doing the rounds of truck drivers — it's called the Geartronic Grin....
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by Juliet Parish • Owner-drivers in the North could win a slice of nearly 200,000 tonnes of freight which Castle Cement is...
• Ford stopped Transit van production at its Southampton factory this week because of declining order books. The announcement...
• One of the UK's largest container hauliers looks doomed for demise as its receivers confirm that there is no one buyer for...
• NMI Truck Bodies, the Barnsley-based truck bodybuilder and body repairer, is to close at the end of the month making 34 staff...
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by Karen Miles • Part of Durham-based operator Barnfather has gone into receivership with the likely loss of 10 drivers' jobs....
• One of Sainsbury's longestserving dedicated distribution suppliers, J Whittam, was acquired by Wincanton last week. The £4...
by Brian Weatherley • CV finance specialist Key Leasing hopes to extend its growing UK used truck sales and leasing operation...
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• A Crown Court Judge has ruled that drivers who falsify their tachograph charts abroad and then produce them to their...
• The licence of William Pringle of Christon Bank, near Mnwick, has been cut from 10 vehicles and 14 trailers to five vehicles...
DIRECTORY • Commercial Motor has compiled a nationwide directory of specialist transport lawyers, expert witnesses, consultant...
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• Maerdy-based Anthony Carter had operated 10 additional vehicles despite having a bid for an interim licence refused, it was...
• Bristol-based Kings Heavy AA Haulage and one of the company's drivers were cleared of using a vehicle with an insecure load...
. Nuneaton magistrates expressed concern about continued delay in the hear ing of drivers hours and tachograph charges alleged...
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/ Mercedes-Benz has launched a right-hand-drive version of its 0405 citybus with Walter Alexander aluminium bodywork at about...
/ Renault plans to introduce a low-floor version of its R312 citybus to continental operators by the end of the year, but it...
/ Kent County Council is to carry out the first operational trials on the side-kneeling Omni which is to be certified this...
for PCVs and trucks at the Autobus RAI show in Maastricht at the end of the month. Kiwi link • Perth-based Stagecoach is...
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• Does AWD have a future as a supplier of truck chassis to UK transport operators? Following the company's acquisition from the...
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Price as tested: 29,095 (ex-VAT). Engine: 1.9 litres, 55kW (75hp). Tested GVW: 1,585kg. Payload as tested: 510kg. Fuel...
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N opies of Hooked on Golf by Rodger Davis are slicing their way to Keith Palmer of Whale Tankers and Gordon Ingleson of...
N ongratulations to Claire George, appointed sales executive at Sussex haulier JJ Adam — winning the post in competition with...
ri f you drove into Aust Pavilion services off the M4 ri f you drove into Aust Pavilion services off the M4 recently you would...
ril uton Council has taken delivery of this specially customised recycling truck from Seddon Atkinson and body builder David...
16 he war-torn regions of Bosnia and Croatia face hunger and cold this winter but fortunately a charity which aids the region...
N M's correspondent at the RHA's conference in Marbella, Spain, faxed over many hard-hitting news stories along the lines of...
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• The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders will host a forum on implementing electronic data interchange (ED!) on 24-25...
• The Freight Transport Association's annual series of legislation seminars, supported by Michelin Tyre, begins this week in...
• On 19 November the Institute of Transport Administration will hold a joint transport forum with the Institute of Road...
• The Scottish Public Sector Exhibition will take place on April 28-29 at the Edinburgh Exhibition and Trade Centre. SPSE'93...
• A seminar on the transport and control of waste products will be held in Birmingham on 28 October. It will be hosted by the...
• Crisis management will be covered in a one-day conference organised by the Institute of Grocery Distribution. Problems such...
• Bainbridge Silencers has produced its latest catalogue featuring 65 new parts for commercial vehicles. The laminated...
Contact Bainbridge on (0772) 822272.
• Demand for automotive lubricants in the European market could fall by as much as 30% to 1.39 million tonnes between now and...
• For the latest information on the roadworks and road restrictions nationwide contact one of the AA Hotline numbers listed below,
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tipper with hooklift/cranelift from a secure compound in Croydon, south London. Thieves broke into the compound over the...
The eight-wheeler, registration F805 KND, was parked in a locked yard with 10 other trucks which were not touched. It has a...
ruined when Vincent Pepper discovered his tractor unit had been stolen. The Foden S106 unit with Caterpillar engine was taken...
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for alloy front wheels, 2195 for radio-cassette, £1,375 for air-flow kit and 24,970 for Boalloy body. Engine: 5.48 litres,...
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thunder of new trucks starting up — three months of rising sales appear to have reversed a decline in registrations lasting...
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Cummins latest Euro-1 10 and 14-litre CELECT electronically controlled engines have unit injectors with solenoid control valves...
Many British operators are wary of hi-tech electronics. We talked to a Stateside convert... • Say "electronics" to most 'truck...
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• While politicians remain divided on the future shape and structure of Europe, transport operators are in little doubt that...
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i M en have often said to me: "Women can never be equal in transport because they lack physical strength'. When I hear this...