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for the Dodge 108201) Wherever you need help in a hurry a Chrysler Dealer is tactically situated to give you a really...
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A SEDDON-ATKINSON prototype truck — a 4x2 tractive unit — is to appear on the company's stand for the first time at Earls...
from a special correspondent A MAJOR shake-up in the top jobs in Scotland's public transport industry is now under way. Three...
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ports nationalization by John Darker LIU TWO DAYS before port authorities are due to receive a letter from Mr Fred MuIley,...
A LIST of defects in new vehicles and spare parts is to be submitted to the Department of the Environment by the North Western...
NEGOTIATIONS are now being concluded between a British manufacturer and VW, of Germany, for the supply of diesel engines to be...
BECAUSE of an accumulated deficit, the Department of the Environment is proposing to increase the fee for operators' licences...
MEMBERSHIP FEES for the Freight Transport Association have been increased to new members from August 1, and existing members...
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DESPITE the estimate of a small profit for the first 16 weeks of the current year in its 1973 annual report, unaudited results...
A GO-AHEAD to stay in operation has been given to Court Line Coaches Ltd by Mr Rupert Nicholson, who has been appointed to wind...
The implications of new legislation are often not at all clear, even to the Parliamentary draftsmen, until some time after its...
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from our political correspondent SECTIONS of the road haulage industry remain a prime target for further State takeovers....
THE Road Haulage Association made the following statement this week concerning the White Paper: "Probably no other industry is...
A BODY of referees to hear cases for exemption from industrial training board levy is to be set up by the Secretary of State...
continued from page 9 director jobs for highways, education and planning have not been advertised. One factor which is causing...
A LEAFLET explaining traffic signs which apply to commercial vehicles drivers is being distributed by the Road Haulage...
HUMBER McVEIGH Transport Ltd of Grimsby has signed an international road haulage agreement with the Dutch road transport...
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The council of the new independent Conciliation and Arbitration Service named by John Darker THE council of the new...
As announced in CM last week, the 1974 Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs have now been published. They are available...
SITPRO, the Governmentfinanced Simplified Trade Procedures office, has invited the Road Haulage Association to give its views...
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LDoY Finals NI its meeting last week, the Commercial Motor Lorry Driver of the Year Competition Council accepted an offer from...
Gerry Ellison, 30, has moved to the newly created post of manager (operations and productivity) in the Miles Druce express...
of Tony McClellan, 32 7 , as Carryfast midland regional manager, based in Droitwich and responsible also for depots in Brandon,...
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YORKSHIRE Traffic Cornmissioners last week refused an application by NBC sub sidiary, East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd, of...
A MAJOR project which will result in an entirely new design of bus by .1985 has been initiated by the Swedish National...
A FULL Dial-a-Ride bus service is to be started in London in October. Two 16seater Ford Transit minibuses will be used on a...
WALLACE ARNOLD has placed an order for 100 luxury coach bodies with Plaxtons (Scarborough) Ltd. They will start delivery later...
MORE THAN 40 doubledecker buses are being used to transport service families, evacuated from Cyprus, from Brise Norton airbase...
A BRAND new coach body is being introduced by Willowbrook Ltd at the Earls Court show next month. Full details have yet to be...
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vmidi from Marshall by...n.ayes A NEW INTEGRAL midibus is being developed by Marshall of Cambridge for intensive city...
Dimensions: length, 7.06m (23ft 2in); width, 2,3m (7ft 53/4 in); wheelbase, 3.2 m (10ft Sin); height (approx), 2.7m (8ft 10in);...
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EXPERIMENTS with one of the Department of Trade and Industry's two Crompton Leyland battery electric buses in Edinburgh have...
BUS SERVICES will be reduced in Sheffield next month because of a shortage of bus crews. At a meeting of the South Yorkshire...
NEARLY THREE times as many people are applying for jobs with London Transport as normally apply at this time of year. An LT...
A REPORT just prepared for the transport committee of Tyne and Wear Council shows a shortage of bus drivers in its area of...
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A SWEDISH-built chassis, straightening system the first of its type to be seen in the UK — is one feature of a new .E120,000...
FOLLOWING the launch of its grp frameless trailer vans last month, York Trailer has followed on with a grp truck van body based...
THE TWIN-STOP, a new brake designed by Girling Ltd, for commercial vehicles with axle loads of between 6 and 13 tons, makes its...
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A SIX-wheeler version of the Mercedes-Benz Unimog is to be shortly made available in the UK following the development by...
FOUR Harbilt Electric model 807 multi-purpose vehicles have been delivered to the Argentina HydroElectric Board following a...
TIPPING BODIES up to 12ft in length without side pillars and pressed from one sheet, are to be the feature on the Edbro stand...
A SLEEPER CAB conversion for the Dodge K3820 tractive unit has been added to the range of Locomotors Ltd of Andover. The cab...
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A SWEDISH-built chassis straightening system the first of its type to be seen in the UK is one feature of a new £120,000...
FOLLOWING the launch of its grp frameless trailer vans last month, York Trailer has followed on with a grp truck van body based...
THE TWIN-STOP, a new brake designed by Girling Ltd, for commercial vehicles with axle loads of between 6 and 13 tons, makes its...
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A SIX-wheeler version of the Mercedes-Benz Unimog is to be shortly made available in the UK following the development by...
FOUR Harbilt Electric model 807 multi-purpose vehicles have been delivered to the Argentina HydroElectric Board following a...
TIPPING BODIES up to 12ft in length without side pillars and pressed from one sheet, are to be the feature on the Edbro stand...
A SLEEPER CAB conversion for the Dodge K3820 tractive unit has been added to the range of Locornotors Ltd of Andover. The cab...
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OFFERING up to 1.96cum (70cuft) more carrying capacity on a 12-metre (40ft) trailer than conventional type vans is the Cravens...
TWO new Volkswagen models will be on show at Earls Court. One is a long-wheelbase conversion based on the VW pick-up designed...
VEHICLES fitted with couplings to take a 40 mm DIN trailer drawbar eye cause problems when they have to pull a trailer fitted...
AN UPDATED and enlarged edition of its materials handling film catalogue has just been published by the National Materials...
ORDERS worth £250,000 have been won by A. W. Hunton and Co, the Norwichbased manufacturer of trailer axles, hydraulics and...
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by Graham Montgomerie: photographs by Harry Roberts \\ ZOAD TEST AND OPERATIONAL TRIAL 15174 ON THE HIGHLAND test run recently...
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On the road with Telma's new pedal control system by Martin Hayes; • • photographs by Dick Ross AN AUTOMATIC control system...
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who sends most by road by Brian Cottee One of Europe's fastest-growing furniture suppliers selects transport with care — and...
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its a matter of fact. Fact : A radical advanced principle called 'Systematic Torque Build up is the transmission system chosen...
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Haulage contractors are not the only people with overweight problems. Did you know, for example, that there is a regulation...
While we're talking of weight, I was always under the impression that the weight on each individual axle of a vehicle remained...
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ALMOST every day comes news of a substantial Government grant for regional or industrial development, or for distressed...
ONE shipping man who regards the possible advent of the Channel Tunnel with equanimity is R. G. Clarke, the newly appointed...
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George Wilmot answers the students' queries STUDENTS undertaking part-time courses are in much better position now than they...
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by Les Oldridge T ENG (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE LAST WEEK I dealt with the organic peroxide substances which can be carried in...
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silicone hose by Gordon Murray FOR YEARS trucks and bus coolant and heater hoses have required close regular attention from...
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by John Darker AMBIM IT IS a platitude to assert that efficiency in distribution is only possible given harmonious labour...
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understand that unless I have suitable premises I am unlikely to obtain one yet many operators I know do not have any premises...
told that there are special reflective rear marker plates which ought to he carried on such vehicles. Could you say if this is...
of 1'5is chargeable for a vehicle test after a notifiable alteration. Would you please say what are notifiable alterations? A...
an operator for using an overweight vehicle, I notice that though the operator pleaded that his vehicle was on the way to a...
MOT testing at the end of the year, hut this is my busy period. tam told that they must he submitted at the appropriate time...