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p RESENT economic and political conditions are discouraging to municipal passenger transport operators. If they continue, some...
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THE action of the Northern Licensing Authority 1 (reported in The Commercial Motor, July 16) in refusing to allow the...
Tail Eats Dog H AULIERS are angrily asking why the B.R.S. tail should be allowed to wag the road haulage dog. Faced with the...
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Of a claim that 10 Tiger Cubs have saved nearly £150 a month. That the Zoological Society should be informed of this at once...
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V ALUABLE guidance on the principles to be followed in dealing with applications for increased fares has been given by the...
A FTER heated argument at a meet1 - 1 ing which began at 10 a.m, and ended at 8 p.m., the Road Haulage Wages Council last week...
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L OAD1NG and unloading during a I— , period of seven hours each day are to be banned over stretches of road much longer than 45...
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MR. A. HEALEY, a former Dunlop director, who retired this year after 38 years service, has been appointed a member of the...
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A HAULIER with 26 years' experience was treated as a newcomer by the Northern Licensing Authority last week. Mr. R. Kelso,...
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P ERKINS engines are now being offered as original equipment by the International Harvester Co., one of the largest American...
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D ECENT wage increases had added £120,000 to the annual pay bill of United Automobile Services, Ltd., and £47,000 had to be...
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A PPLICAT1ON is to be made by 1.1 . Leicester Corporation to run buses beyond the city boundary to Nether Hall estate—an area...
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T HE average weekly output of commercial vehicles during May was 5,161 units, the month's total being 20,644. In the first five...
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T HERE are very few oil-engined, medium-range four-wheel-drive vehicles in use at the present, mainly because most operators of...
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NABLING its operator to provide shop facilities for members of outlying communities formerly dependent upon visits to the...
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By P. G. Tucker I N the first six days of starting in the parcels carry ing business, N. Francis and Co., Ltd., Parkholme...
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A COACHBUILT six-seat crew cab is PA a notable feature of refusecollector bodies of varying capacities recently completed by...
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A N unusual feature of a light-alloy I,150-cu.-ft pantechnicon body milt on a Kafrier Gamecock chassis by Wm, Collett and...
QPECIALLY designed by Pilgrim ■ --) Mobile Units, Ltd., Ringwood, Ilants, a mobile radiographic and weldtesting laboratory is...
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Vehicle Not to be Transferred from Hull to King's Lynn T HE Eastern Licensing Authority has refused to grant a special A...
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A T Birmingham Assizes last week, Mr. Justice Lynskey awarded damages to a bus driver and the widow of a lorry driver in...
The London office of Vokes, Ltd., is now at 123 Victoria Street London, S.W,I, * Judella Castings, Ltd. makers of lighting...
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" You won't make yourse0 a bit realer by crying," Theedkdee remarked: "there's nothing to cry about." "ii I wasn't real,"...
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A T nearly all holiday resorts coach operators are, 1 J — k venture to suggest, being held to ransom by the imposition of...
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Many Hauliers Offer Financial Inducement to Their Drivers to Increase Revenue or Reduce Operating Costs : Two Incentive Schemes...
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A SELF-LOADING device for a lorry forms the subject of patent No. 710,217 (C. Frisk, 15 Malmbergsvligen, Giillivare, Sweden)....