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Prophecies of 1928 CHANCING to glance at a Which Have Been ' 1 / 4 ' sheet of newspaper dated Proved Wrong . . 1928 on a...
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T osiMplify the application of the 33A per cent, purchase tax on goods vehicles, some remissions have been made by the...
Export Market Seriously Jeopardized : Devices to Protect Railways D ESPITE the slightly favourable modification in purchase...
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Sir W. Wakefield, was a premium on efficiency. The reason that industrialists purchased vehicles in which to carry their goods...
A SUGGESTION that a ,short-term I — 'k subsidy be paid to the British Transport Commission as an alternative to the interim...
C OMPLETE satisfaction has been expressed by operators and manufacturers at this week's decision of the Minister of Transport....
C RITICS of Cardiff transport department were last week promised a full investigation into the administration of the system at...
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MR. C. E. ALDRIDGE, general manager of Nuffield Exports, Ltd., retires on June 30, after 40 years in the motor industry. MR....
(South Africa), Ltd., is visiting this 'country on abusiness tn:p . and short vacation. He is due to arrive by the "Capetown...
D UE to the financial block imposed by the Treasury. the British road system was deteriorating, said Mr. W Rees Jeffreys,...
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F ULL details of the week-end course on transport problems, arranged by Ashridge College in co-operation with the Institute of...
Taxi fares at Aberdeen will shortly be increased to 2s. 6d. for the first mile. Wolverhampton Corporation transport department...
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T HEquestion of instituting shift rates of payment for passenger transport workers whose duties are. on a rotating basis was...
L AST week, the President of the Board of Trade announced that henceforward the base year of index numbers of the volume of...
cheater, 19; British Road Services (UnitC.4211. Bu Liv el e Cn i 71; " B B I - Vt l ith h 12 1 n . a a 2 i !" ;r i i i c ce 4...
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Licensing Authority for a licence to carry milk from his farm near K:!creggan to Dumbarton creamery, won his case despite...
O NE of the most interesting schemes for the internal lighting of longdistance buses and, later, probably coaches, was...
A N order for 50 7.4-litre oil engines has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by Ansair Pty., Ltd., a well-known Australian...
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By JAN US I N the political jungle the tom-toms beat at regular intervals, giving the initiated the latest declaration of...
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A SYSTEM of taxi control and maintenance which pays handsome dividends, is that run under the direction of the La Salle Taxi...
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BRITAIN Municipal Vehicles and Lances Demonstrated at rorquay Cleansing Conice Were Notable for in Design, and Body ,...
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Says L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. Refuse Collected by a Fleet of Battery-electrics is Used in Power Station to Generate Elec....
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D ELEGATES attending the Cleansing Conference held at Torquay last week witnessed an impressive demonstration of the latest in...
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AVING always been interested in the road transport " industry, I naturally kept up my subscription to The Commercial Motor"...
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N OW that there is a renewed threat of rate cutting, partly as the result of nationalization and its cramp . ing effect on....
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hygienic collection of refuse are made in patent No. 635,683, which comes from R. Riossonault, Montreal. This inventor...