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W HEN he relinquished the Ministry of Transport Mr. MarpIes might well have used that memorable phrase from show-business: "...
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M ANUFACTURERS' demands that a trace of exhaust smoke should be permissible on the test bed, under the new standard for diesel...
T HE ban on goods vehicles exceeding 3 tons unladen using certain City of London streets as through routes is to come into...
TH E London and Home Counties Division of the Traders Road Transport Association has lodged an official objection with the...
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7 1-1 - E introduction of liner trains, held I up because of trade union opposition to private hauliers using the terminals, is...
T HE future of private hauliers under the Labour Government was the theme of speakers at the annual dinnerdance of the West...
THE British Standards Institute is 1 hoping to receive plenty of comments, especially from road transport interests, on the...
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REMARKABLE TARGET FOR BREWERY FLEET A VERY high degree of mechanized handling, plus an unusual system of removable bodies are...
A SECOND load of Linotype printing 1" - x machinery left London last week en route for Kabul, Afghanistan, carried in a York...
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A NEW triple-kine braking system has been introduced by Leyland Motors Ltd. on tractive units throughout the new Freightline...
by John Thompson U NDER an agreement signed between the J ohn Thompson group of companies, Wolverhampton, and the Frailmobile...
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assistant traffic manager of the City of Oxford Motor Services Ltd., has been appointed traffic manager of the Rhondda...
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]/JR. WILSON has given the job of IVI Transport Minister in his first Cabinet to 53-year-old Mr. Tom Fraser, a quiet,...
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T HREE Bedford SB coaches with 41-seat Duple Bella Vega bodies delivered this week to George Ewer and Co. Ltd. are...
ex - rail wayman are Mr. Wilson's choice for joint Parliamentary Secretaries to the Ministry of Transport. The first, Mr....
A FURTHER reprieve has been secured by P.S.V. Operators Ltd. for King's Cross Coach Station, Pentonville Road, which is used as...
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B ECAUSE of the continuing fall in the number of passengers using London Transport bus services, many country {green) bus...
A FREQUENT service of gaily striped minibuses has been operating in downtown Washington, D.C., since last November, in an...
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A N offer by a builder to guarantee a bus company from losing on a new bus service for 600 people on an estate he is building...
FOLLOWING the Scottish Court of Session ruling in the John Russell (Grangemouth) Ltd. appeal judgment (reported in The...
rA A SUCCESSFUL appeal to the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh was made on Tuesday by lnverdon Transport Ltd., of Aberdeen. This...
IN February, 1963, the Scottish Licensing Authority refused an application by Charles Alexander and Partners for an A licence...
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A N. amended application by Mr. S. L. Paddick, Southampton, for an ,additional A-licensed vehicle was granted by the South...
RiTISEI ROAD SERVICES and _British Railways . opposed an appeal to the Transport" Tribunal: in London, ' hist week, by a...
H "could a Dundee firm of haulage contractors control the actions of one of its drivers in Liverpool at 4 o'clock in the...
L ORD PARKER, the Lord Chief . Justice, said in the Queen's Bench Divisional Court last week that he had very great doubts...
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A DECISION of the North Western 2-1 . deputy Licensing Authority was described at the Transport Tribunal in London last week as...
r'IVE reasons were given by Meeting I Motors Ltd., of High Wycombe, Bucks, for an application, heard last week by the...
T HE Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, on Tuesday refused an r application by a newcomer for an excursions...
A N appeal by the Transport Holding (Pickfords) to the Transport Tribunal in London last week was described by their counsel,...
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H 0W do the recently enacted Construction and Use amendment regulations, which came into effect last August, affect hauliers so...
THE Scottish steel rates controversy I between the Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, and Colvilles Ltd., involving...
B ECAUSE of the recent amendments to the Construction and Use Regulations, no further steps are to be taken to quash the...
it East Midland Traffic Comissioners, under their chairman, Mr. Charles Hodgson, recently heard an application by a Fosdyke...
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Q RDERS worth £522,000 have been placed with Leyland Motors Ltd. by 10 bus companies ift the north of England. Largest is from...
ro Monday the Leyland - Motor Cor poration announced a new symbol which is to be used by all the companies within the group;...
QMALLER wheels, the introduction of higher maximum speeds and greater loading capacities posed problems for brake...
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AERCEDES-BEN Z (Great Britain) M LTD. have announced that following an intensive drive to increase the availability of spare...
which owns 600 road vehicles, has, through one of its subsidiaries, established a fully mechanized, push-button coal depot at...
QIR WILLIAM McFADZEAN, chair1.–./ man of the British National Export Council and chairman of British Insulated Callender's...
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On the Subject of Crabbing' I N any one day's motoring on main roads the mechanically interested driver can observe several...
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L and Publications Box Body Trailer N OW added to the range of box body trailers designed for the building industry by Richard...
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No Blues Here There were no signs of after election blues at the annual dinner-dance of the Fife and District Tipper...
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never be repeated S URELY the ideal situation may now be developing for at long last taking the transport problem out of party...
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LILA a lesson in INSURANCE BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MANAGEMENT C RITICISM of insurance facilities available to hauliers is...
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kes the European Road BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY T ANKER • work is said to be the cream of the haulage industry. It follows—or so one...
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J UST what do the members of the R.H.A. really think of their association? Are they getting, for instance, value for their...
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By S. BUCKLEY, ASSOCANST.T. T RAINING schemes, labour relations and profit ratio studies were discussed at the autumn...
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Marks Stockport Undertaking BY ASHLEY TAYLOR ALTHO UGH Stockport's new ALTHOUGH transport manager, Mr. Harold Eaton, did not...
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A FREQUENT topic discussed by visitors to The Commercial Motor stand at the recent Commercial Motor Show concerned the hiring...
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Responsibility at Patricroft? M OST of the letters that you publish make good reading and this applies to the one from...