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N OW that the Government are launched on their new programme with a majority that enables them to govern, instead of parrying...
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A LTHOUGH the railway strike taught road transport operators no new lessons, it showed politicians that, despite...
" C.M." for Posterity A COPY of last week's issue of The Commercial "Th Motor was included in the contents of a large copper...
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The remark that even the most modern of our refuse collectors are has-bins. That as towns expand the crews needed to work with...
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837 0 of List 10 Vehicles H AULIERS have demonstrated their confidence in the future of free enterprise by purchasing nearly 83...
W HEN an operator and a driver were prosecuted at Biggleswade last week for transgressing the conditions of a B licence, an...
D ELAYS at London docks °CCM mainly to exports sent by road, the London Chamber of Commerce has concluded after a special...
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A N acute shortage of tipping vehicles as the result of the disposal of units at the Chantry depot of British Road Services was...
T HE suggestion that a " shadow " transport pool should be a permanent part of the Road Haulage Association organization on a...
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ALD. S. PART has been elected chairman of Liverpool Transport Committee in succession to CLLR. W. G. GREGSON, who lost his seat...
THIS week's debate in the House A of Commons on the railway strike strayed far beyond that sphere, and included industrial...
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1 - 1 A FINE of £30 was imposed by Ludlow magistrates, last week. upon Robert Eric Bosworth, a farmer, of The Measoms Farm,...
Crews D URING 1953, the action of goodsvehicle drivers in carelessly turning right caused 12 per cent. (2,303) of all accidents...
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IF a recommendation of the Bar I Council is accepted by the Home Secretary it may soon not be necessary for a police witness...
THE output of commercial vehicles 1 in the first four months of this year, at 107,184 units, showed an increase of nearly...
IN an appeal decision announced last 1 week, the Minister of Transport reaffirmed an earlier decision in defining as "too...
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D ETERGENT oils and chromium-plated piston rings have extended cylinder life to double the pre-war length. Coupled with the...
A SPECIAL central traffic-control squad for London to deal with severe congestion is to be established, Lord Mancroft announced...
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T o e n coura g e travel on Sundays throu g hout the summer, the London Transport Executive are to introduce from next Sunday a...
" IT is su gg ested by certain propa g andists that co-operation between manufacturers constitutes a monopoly. That is not the...
D AMAGES amountin g to £624 were awarded a g ainst Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., at Chester Assizes last week, as the result...
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T HE Government's proposals for capital investment in transport were quite inadequate, declared Sir Robert Booth by (Cons.)...
THE growing practice of making long, prefabricated structures in workshops to save costs and assembly time at building sites...
THE offer made by Leyland Motors, I Ltd., for the ordinary and preference stock of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., which closed on...
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IN a furniture-van body built by G. Scammell and Nephew, Ltd.. Fashion Street. London, E.I, the operators, F. Chapman and Sons,...
E XTENSIONS to the Kew factory of I— , Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., at a cost of ilm., provide for the production of the...
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By Our Legal Adviser T HE increasingly overcrowded state of the roads and the consequent steady worsening of the parking...
THE Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., have introduced a new type of randier designed so that an aircraft can be serviced with both...
THE underlying feature of the works trucks built by Matting, Ltd., Park Lane, Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, is their ability...
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41 seater Commendable Economy Returned by Coach of Integral Construction with Commer TS3 Engine : Good Braking Performance and...
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Says Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Advances in Design Keep Pace With Users' Demands :Labour Shortage Creates Need for Greater...
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ECAUSE he could not buy a standard light vehicle with sufficient floor space at a suitable price, Mr. I. Allman, The Old...
THE manner in which a bodybuilder and a customer can co-operate to produce a vehicle to meet a specific requirement is...
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By C. S. Dunbar, Minst.T. A S a practical man, Mr. C. H. Palim, M.Inst.T., A.C.1.S., is not one of those who consider they...
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T OO seldom are we . allowed to hear opinions on transport from the customer, and by that I mean not merely the transport...
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Says Our Legal Adviser I T is interesting to examine not only the changes in the law which the Government's new Road Traffic...
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Hard Use Hard Words S INCE the war I have been in a part of Africa where the opening for British vehicles designed to suit...
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Large Number of Assignments Reported This Week : List 10 Tenderers Now Being Notified A LTHOUGH there have been no notable...
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Points, to be Settled in an Agreement with a Customer Before Applying to the Licensing Authority for the Grant of a Contract-A...
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T HE provision of pilot injection for small engines is complicated by the fact that, as the charge itself is so small, it is...