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W HEN . the Transport Act, 1947, was fash ioned, its authors acknowledged t he personal nature of the services rendered to the...
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M ANY people, whatever their politics, must, in their innermost consciousness, deplore the general tendency to refuse...
"Impossible" Which Li NG 1NEERS responsible Did Not Take Long " for recovering public ser to Achieve . vice vehicles involved...
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That hauliers must fight shoulder-to-shoulder or be shouldered out. That America produced over '7m. commercialvehicle tyres in...
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Private Member Seeks to Amend Transport Act : Second Reading in House of Lords T HE Transport (Amendment) Bill has been...
E FFORTS are being made jointly by the Road Haulage Assoceation ard the National Farmers' Union to prevent the abuse of C...
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S TTTING in London to-day, an Arbitration Court -is • hearing thc application presented by the Transport and General Workers'...
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R.H.A. Solicitor Gives the Latest News on Procedure of Acquisition THE British Transport Commission has issued instructions to...
T HE interruption in production caused by the holiday period had an influence on output figures for September, as it did for...
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ESOLUTIONS pledging hauliers whose permits are to • be revoked, not to disclose their intention to retain or offer their...
Manager Complains of Staff THE likelihood of a "rate war" between the Road Haulage Executive and free-enterprise hauliers was...
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LODGMENT for £1,000 damages and J costs in favour of Mr. George Leonard Jopp and Mr. James Blacklock, trading as George Black...
O BJECTIONS by British Railways to 42 applications by independent operators to run football excursions to additional...
O F 17.000 applications for permits, 12,000 were granted, but only 4,000 were in the terms sought. The number of permits,...
" n NE of the most astonishing state ments ever to emanate from a Government spokesman" is the description applied by the...
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IT is learned that the Ministry of Transport was responsible for arranging a series of hand-brake tests on double-deck buses,...
WHILST the Road Haulage AssociaW tion was sympathetic to the state of mind which prompted a defiant unconstitutional resolution...
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S TRONG remarks were made by Sheriff Miller in Stornoway Sheriff Court, last week, about the wording of a public service...
'IN an increasingly complicated econom;e order, it is essential for public transport to be more and more regulated by...
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F OR an experimental period of about six months from November 27, members of the public served by the Claremorris and...
A REDUCTION in• the frequency of riDundee's transport services, with consequent staff redundancy, may have to be considered if...
Vi r the British Transport Commission was supposed to be a body which would provide a responsible organization to consider all...
supercharging of the V , spark-ignition engine was not worth while, except in aircraft and racing cars, it paid hands down in...
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but at the end of the trial of the Electruk I was footsore and weary. The reason is that the vehicle is a pedestriancontrolled...
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A NEW edition of "The 1 - 1, Commerciat Motor" Tables of Operating Costs, corrected to take into account the recent increases...
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Political Commentary By JAN US The Choices Before an Operator Faced With the Loss of an Original Permit Raise Problems Which...
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passengers these days seem to want to take two suitcases, a dog and one of those so-called folding push-chairs with them on our...
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If Your Permit is to be Revoked or its Terms are to be Reduced, Take Professional Advice and— Says A. E. Sherlock-Mesher,...
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in Parl iament R. Reader Harris, M.P. I N the course of a session, the House of Commons deals with a huge variety of...
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I HAVE read with considerable interest the editorial article " Maintaining Skill in Maintenance" in the issue of "The...
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With Many Spares Likely to Remain Scarce, Broken, Cracked, and Worn Parts Can Usually be Effectively Renovated by One or Other...
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In the Assessment of Rates, it is Impracticable to Include Any Expenditure Arising from Hire-purchase, Contends Our Costs...
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LIEUT.-COL. S. J. L. HARDIE, D.S.0.. LL.D., has resigned his appointment as part-time member of the British Transport...
IF when the oil-engined tractor was first I introduced, there had been stops and screws on the fuel-injection equipment which...