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Road Transport Throughout the Competition Mus -A FLOURISHING export market is, to the people of Britain, a matter of urgent...
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Pr HE Government's panic action on the pro posed increase of railway fares on May 1 is an outstanding example of the folly of...
Combined Brake and Accelerator? A TECHNICAL expert of the traffic division of the Zurich police has invented a combination...
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Hears That nowadays spare parts are not often spare. That polishing • waxes are certainly not on the wane., That the tyre...
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THE principle that no transport undertaking, nationalized or other wise, should be expected to provide concessions for the few...
" I HAVE no reason to believe that we shall in any way depart from what was said in our manifesto with regard to the transport...
/IR. J. S. MACLAY, Minister of Transport, stated last week that there was no likelihood that Lord Hurcomb, chairman of the...
THE whole structure of the future .1 legislation dealint with the denationalization of road transport was "considerably...
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T HE alleged tendency of Licensing Authorities to favour State passenger transport undertakings at the expense of small private...
made by Albion Motors, Ltd., is now . in service in Glasgow. It is operating from Knightswood garage on Clydebank services. The...
T HE general manager of Glasgow Transport Department has been asked by the transport committee to make a report on how the...
of Transport has dealt with 56 appeals concerning road service licences. Of these, 22 were against the refusal of licences and...
O VER 90 per cent, of the shareholders and stockholders of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and Morris Motors, Ltd., have accepted...
THE National Passenger Group I Committee of the Transport and General Workers' Union decided, last week, to ask the executive...
A N instruction to the manager of the Southampton group of the .Road Haulage Executive to. refuse to hire low-loading trailers...
T HE Canadian National Railway does not contemplate wholesale and indiscriminate entry into goods and passenger road transport,...
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E XPORTS in February fell short of the record figures set up in January when the industry was chartering tramp shipping, but...
MR. T. A. LumsDEN, secretary of the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., has completed 30 years' service with the company. MAJOR F. J....
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A PPEALS by the North . Western Road Car Co., Ltd., Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.. Majestic Express Motors,...
L AST Sunday, the hull of the British L.,i.tailways passenger motor-vessel, "Countess of Breadalbane," began a 20-mile journey...
S PEAKING at the ceremony following the handing-over of the first of the new coaches for British European Airways on Monday,...
W HAT is claimed to be the largest motor workshop in Asia will be completed shortly In the Bombay State Transport undertaking's...
Made 1 - 1 when the chairman of the Road Haulage Association's Metropolitan and South-eastern Area asked members to state their...
WHEN W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., W applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority to replace „single-deckers by double-deckers on...
the London Port Area Grain Committee and the Port of London Authority regarding delays in the collectionof grain by lorry from...
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I NDICATIONS are now beginning to appear that the third Budget which has increased the cost of fuel will be responsible for a...
r URTHER applications to raise fares will have to be made by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., to cover steep increases...
A FTER negotiations lasting several months, the transport committee of the National Federation of Fruit and Potato Trades has...
A MOBILE elevator has been built • by Equipment Repairs, Ltd., 19-20, The Viaduct, Alperton, Middx, for lowering gearboxes...
in which the compressormotor may be mounted remote from the trumpets, is available from S.E.V. (Sales and• Service), Ltd.,...
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B RITAIN is - still the world's biggest producer of buses. America RAC'S second place. In the goods-v‘ak. , o, however, the...
A N application to run a service from Birmingham to Glasgow has been made by Northern Roadways, Ltd. At present; the company...
A T Marlborough Street Police Court, on Monday, William John Maurice Lawford, of Bedford House, New North *Street. Bloomsbury,...
A NEAT new pack has been introduced for the sale of Petroslip additive. It consists of a leakproof plastic tube which contains...
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed two appeals relating to express-service licences. In the first, the Railway Executive...
All bus services in Karachi are expected to he nationalized within three years. The Road Haulage Executive plans to build an...
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WHEN Sheffield magistrates heard a VII summons against Willie Stamp, a haulier, of Calvert Street, Sheffield, which arose out...
A CCOMMODATION for 63 pasrisengers, 42 seated and 21 standing, is provided in each of 39 new A.E.C. single-deckers to be...
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IDASSENGER journeys by all forms 1 of road passenger transport in Great Britain, excluding London Transport, dropped in 1950 by...
D u RING the past Winter, 750 of the 1,000 vans used by T. Wall and Sons, Ltd., for the transport of icecream have been...
W MITI" the extension of road transport nationalization to the 92-mile Gauhati-Goalpara route, the major part (438 miles) of...
Manufacturers and Traders buyers of commercial vehicles will not have to sign the declaration and agreement by which the...
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Passengers S OMETHING entirely new in passenger-vehicle design is represented • by the latest coaches for British European...
LJAVOLINE. a mildly detergent oil I produced by the Regent Oil Co., Ltd., will be available in this country on April 30. It is...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher O VERSEAS operators last year bought more than 144,000 British commercial vehicles, including dumpers,...
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NEW BEDFORD A LTHOUGH smaller in overall dimensions than its predecessor, the latest Bedford 10-12-cwt. van, a...
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By P. A. C. Brockington A.M.I.Mech.E. T O describe a certain engine or chassis feature as one which promotes ease of...
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Experience of Overseas Users Shou's How Operators or Manufacturers can Modify Standard Production Chassis to Work More...
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By JANUS A T times, even the Ivory Tower must be surprised by some of the arguments put forward on its behalf. Mr. J. A....
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(Left) The rear-axle arm casing of a Thormrcroft Mighty Antar seen in a wooden cradle, in which it is packed in a case. The...
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R EGULARLY averaging 53 m.p.h. IA over good sections of road, four Daimler CVD6 coaches fitted with Daimler 8.6-litre engines...
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Development of Passenger Road Services Abroad is Aided by the Range of Suitable British Public Service Vehicle Chassis Produced...
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By P. G. Tucker engine position. In Hong Kong and Malaya there has been a demand for buses employing this layout, and in South...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, W HAT is the cost of harsh driving and poor maintenance? This question is often asked, and in an...
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Design and Performance B RITISH manufacturers do not alter the frontal styling of their vehicles and call them new models. The...