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Government Disagreement With C.t.c.c. On Concession Fares ?
THE principle that no transport undertaking, nationalized or other wise, should be expected to provide concessions for the few at the expense of the many, is accepted by the......
Government Pledge On Transport.
" I HAVE no reason to believe that we shall in any way depart from what was said in our manifesto with regard to the transport industry, and we may proceed further," said Sir......
Lord Hurcomb Not To Resign
/IR. J. S. MACLAY, Minister of Transport, stated last week that there was no likelihood that Lord Hurcomb, chairman of the British Transport Commission, would resign as the......
Transport Bill "advanced"
THE whole structure of the future .1 legislation dealint with the denationalization of road transport was "considerably advanced," said Mr. Churchill, in the House of Commons.......