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New Wave Of Fare Applications Throughout The Country ?
I NDICATIONS are now beginning to appear that the third Budget which has increased the cost of fuel will be responsible for a third round of fares increases. Operators who have......
Northern -general' To Raise Fares?
r URTHER applications to raise fares will have to be made by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., to cover steep increases in costs, Mr. W. 1'. James, chairman, states in......
Agreement On Fruit Rates
A FTER negotiations lasting several months, the transport committee of the National Federation of Fruit and Potato Trades has reached almost complete agreement with the Road......
Mobile Gearbox Lift
A MOBILE elevator has been built • by Equipment Repairs, Ltd., 19-20, The Viaduct, Alperton, Middx, for lowering gearboxes from vehicles raised on hoists. The unit is mounted on......
New S.w.f. Horn A New Version Of The S.w.f. Musical Horn,
in which the compressormotor may be mounted remote from the trumpets, is available from S.E.V. (Sales and• Service), Ltd., Gatesheadon-Tyne, 11. This unit is known as the Nod& C......