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MAKE one motorway. Add a dash of ice (or wet), stir generously 1 with fog. It is infinitely sad to have to reflect that this...
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Motor" last week, B.R.S. (Meat Haulage) Ltd. is closing its retail delivery service to butchers' shops from Smithfield Market....
A RESIDENTIAL school for removals 1-1 foremen, with a syllabus which includes the driving and vehicle construction and...
T HE possibility that the Geddes Committee will have reported, and Government transport intentions clarified, by the time that...
Alconbury By-pass Opened : The two-milelong Alconbury by - pass on the Great North Road (Al) in Hunts, built at a cost of...
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A RE damages awarded to a limited haulage company as the result of an accident to one of their vehicles subject to income tax?...
A POLICE prosecution concerning the length of a car transporter—described as the first to be brought in the country under the...
PA A NEW claim for an increase in haulage employees' pay is almost certain to be lodged very early in the New Year. The...
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Extracts from the Ministry of Transport's latest survey WHERE do.. the 46,461 operators of VI' Aand B-licensed vehicles in...
THE London and Home Counties 1 division of the Traders Road Transport , Association is inviting members to establish liaison...
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T HERE are now some 40 service stations operated by the German hauliers' co-operative organization S.V.G....
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T HE Court of Appeal on Friday dismissed with costs an appeal by a Lloyd's underwriter which concerned insurance cover for the...
A WARNING of the situation which rA. might arise repeatedly in rural districts if urgent Government action is not taken to...
INCREASES in deliveries of pre-packed 1 goods to supermarkets in the London area was stated to be one of the reasons why an...
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IT/HEN Mr. W. Partington, assistant VV heavy haulage manager of Pickfords Ltd., was shown photographs of two Pickfords low...
T WO Newmarket firms operating horseboxes appealed successfully to the Transport, Tribunal in London last week against a...
F OUR applications by Air Links Ltd. I to the Air Licensing Transport Board for inclusive tour licences between North East...
H. Transport Ltd., of Well Hall Road. S.E.9, for an A licence for three vehicles was granted by the Metropolitan Licensing...
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From a Special Correspondent T HERE is seemingly an increasing tendency to over-simplify the rural transport issue. Blame for...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT LL ONDON busmen are expected to approve a new ban on overtime from January I unless there is...
A S reported in The Commercial Motor, November 6, Copenhagen Tramways has introduced a new token system of fare collection on...
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A FURTHER order, for 35 Daimler rm. Fleetline double-decker buses, has been placed by the North Western Road Car Co. Ltd. with...
T HE Urban District Council's Association believes it has a solution to the main problem which for years has been the stumbling...
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Manufacturers and Traders, is to retire on December 31 after 21 years' service. He will be succeeded by Mr. .1. D. W. Gent, Mr....
Monopolies Report on Fuel Soon THE Monopolies Commission hopes to I present its report on the petroleum industry in the early...
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A CLUB for drivers and mates working on Commer and Karrier goods and passenger vehicles is to be inaugurated on January I by...
By The technical Editor A LTHOUGH not specifically matched in respect of braking and coupling position, an Atkinson-Pitt...
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From a Special Correspondent T HERE is a need for vehicle menufactor - era and designers to develop an improved braking system...
THESE two photographs show examples of Willer container I handling equipment recently delivered in this country. Mounted on a...
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Articulation : Tail-swing Dangers W WHILST there is no criticism levelled at the vacuum-braked semi-trailer, situations...
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and Publications Degreasing and Cleaning Gun A N efficient motor degreasing and cleaning device, called the Gunk Power Gun,...
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By The Hawk VIEW It is sometimes difficult to pay a tribute—as both Mr. W. F. Quin, the chairman of the Scottish Traffic...
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(i) Lodging expenses have been calculated in accordance • with local practice. In Belgium, for instance, for this type of...
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D 0 you mind if I take my whiskers off? (said the elderly gentleman). The kiddies might complain if I get them tangled up with...
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ADVICE ON TRANSPORT PROBLEMS by S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC. INST.T I N the past few weeks the effect of' unscheduled delays on the cost...
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Bristol Street and Spurling A BID in the form of a share exchange offer worth about Wm. his been made by BRISTOL STREET GROUP...