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25th January 1963
25th January 1963
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Page 1, 25th January 1963

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Own-account Transport an Expensive Luxury?— R.H.A. Chairman A REJUVENATED railway system

'X plus an increasingly efficient road litulage service may persuade more and more traders and manufacturers that having their...

Compulsory Goods-vehicle Tests Urged

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT C OMPULSORY six-year tests for all goods vehicles are to be urged upon the Government in the...

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R.H.A. Area Seeks Fuel Waxing Facts

TROUBLES reported by many Road Haulage Association members as a result of the waxing of diesel fuel in low temperatures have...

Beat Lorry Thefts

I N a lecture to the London Division, Industrial Transport Association, Dek Chief Supt. Mannings, New Scotland Yard, revealed...

French Transport Users on E.E.C. Action Programme

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HAT the E.E.C. Commission's common transport policy action programme should be conceived in...

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THE general manager of Manchester 1 Corporation transport department is

seeking further information about a claimed non-smoke-producing diesel fuel patented by the Esso Research and Engineering...

Tillotson Manchester Extension H LM DREDS of hauliers and transport officials

from the north west were present at Ashburton Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, on Tuesday when the Mayor of Stretford opened...

Fleetwood L.D.O.Y. Organizer CLEETWOOD road safety comm:ttee 1 has appointed

Mr. T. H. Anyon, 29 Shaftesbury Avenue, Cleveleys, near Blackpool, telephone Cleveleys 2455 or Fleetwood 2292, as the...

A T the request of a number of hauliers operating car

transporters, the Road Haulage Association is to set up machinery for national and local representation for this type of...

Second-floor Loading Bay

A DELIVERY-AND-DISPATCH bay PA on the second floor of Rackhams Ltd., a departmental store, Birmingham, eliminates kerb parking...

Atkinson to Balance All Wheels I N future, Atkinson Vehicles

Ltd., Preston, is to balance all wheels being fitted to production chassis, using a ' Hofman machine made, by Laycock...


Rotherhithe Tunnel : Rotherhithe Tunnel will he closed to vehicles for each of the week-ends, in February to enable the...

Murco's First Terminal THE first deep-water terminal in the U.K

to be built by Murco Petroleurr Ltd. was officially opened on Wednesday It is at Grays Thurrock, Essex, and pro vides storage...

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Transport to Scotland THE transport system caused no diffi

culty in his efforts to attract industry to Scotland, declared Mr. F. J. Erroll, President of the Board of Trade in the Commons...

Animal Transport Changes Likely

rHANGES are likely to be made in the rules governing the transporting of animals. Mr. Christopher Soames, Minister of...

N.E. Road Plane

THE possibility of more road develop' ments in the north east was foreshadowed in the Commons this week by Mr. John Hay. He...

Three-vehicle Bid Cut to One A N application by J. Latham

and Sons (Carriers) Ltd., Crewe, for three new A-licence vans, to improve its parcels service, was continued at Manchester on...

South Eastern Excursion and Tours Bid Refused

A CONTINENTAL tours organizer, which sought an excursion and tours licence because, it was alleged, vehicles supplied in the...

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Tours Director Challenged on Coach Statements

T HE possibility of large travel agencies such as Cooks, Dean and Dawson and POly Tours, asking for dozens of connecting coach...

Tours Period Extended

I N a written decision, the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, Mr. D. I. Muir, has stated that if the residents of Thurrock...

Applicant Had Suggested 10 per cent Traffic Cut A BRITISH RAILWAYS

witness, Mr. J. J. Wilson, assistant to the district goods superintendent at Newcastle, told the Northern Licensing Authority...

Switch Bid Withdrawn During Hearing A PARTLY heard application to transfer

11 tippers from contract A to B licence was withdrawn at Manchester on Monday, after the applicant's representative had...

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No Lawyer No Licence

TWO RECENT P.S.V. APPLICATIONS DISCUSSED L ISTENING to an application for a new road service licence, which came before the...

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Airport Mini-bus Bid Hotly Contested

I. XISTING road and rail facilities J—■ between Aintree and Manchester and Liverpool airports were criticized at Liverpool last...

Mr. Monty Prichard, mana g in g director of F. Perkins Ltd., has

been taken ill and admitted to hospital while in Canada makin g a visit to the Toronto plant of Massey-Ferguson. It is• stated...

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All Set for Bus Wages Battle

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT E bus section of the road transport r industry, which has been busy coping with the problems...

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High Payload for New E.R.F.

A VALUABLE reduction in chassis1-1 cab weight, with a corresponding increase in the potential payload, has been achieved in the...

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Waxing Galore

Midland Operator Opinion on Winter Dery Problems By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Nlech.E. D ON'T shoot the pianist, he is...

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Push and Pull Gives Low-cost Power

T HE overnight development of the two-engined Mini-Moke by the British Motor Corporation to exploit the prolonged spell of...

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Electronic Puncture Detector A DEVICE to give warning of and seek

out an impending flat tyre has been developed by Magnavox Co., of Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Primarily designed for lorries and buses,...


with whom A.E.C. Ltd. became associated last year, has placed orders for 250 more A.E.C. power units for fitting in heavy...

Examining Some Problems of Motorway Operation

W ITH the speed limits for all commercial vehicles to be increased shortly, and with the motorway programme well under way, Mr....

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Changed Bedford Representation in Leeds F ROM the beginning of February,

Alcan Industries Ltd. will discontinue the use of the trade name " Noral " and replace it by " Alcan ". The prefix " Alcan"...


.Northumberland C.C. invites tenders by February 11 for haulage of roadstone from Harecrags Quarry for the year ending March...

NEWS I U.S. Sales Brisk: The New Year found business

booming for American lorry dealers. In the first 10 days of January, 10,712 Chevrolet and 8,555 Ford trucks were sold-30 per...

Disc Brake Modifications

A N IMPROVEMENT in disc brakes is 1 - 1 shown in patent No. 902,531. The scheme is intended principally, but not exclusively,...

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Tailhoard Loader Introduced

I -1 A SERIES of tailboard loaders has been added to the range of vehicle loading and unloading equipment made by H. C. Pope...

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Bird's Eye View

I HAVE been extremely engrossed recently in following the proceedings now taking place in the Restrictive Practices Court...

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IOW By JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. A T the last Brussels Motor Show, held in 1961, the commercial-vehicle sections were...

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Winter Waxing of Diesel Fuels

T HE marketing of summer-grade and winter-grade diesel fuels by the leading oil companies accords with a policy of reducing...

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COMMENTARY by JANUS A CCORD1NG to the records Lord Stonham is a man of diverse interests, but he runs the risk of being...

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Time to Defend Ourselves!

R EGARDING the smear campaign against road transport which is being conducted by many prominent people, and the threat of...


Getting the Forecasts "THE load will go through whatever the weather." This is one of the traditions of road transport but,...

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Recording Tyre Costs

I N the latest edition of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs, a tyre cost per mile of 1-49d. is . given for an...